View Full Version : The confusing thing about health anxiety

10-03-10, 20:09
...for me anyway is this.

Today I felt really dizzy and of course my heart palps going on for most of the day too. But then I get anxious and have to ask myself
if was anxious before I felt dizzy or after. In the end I just cannot remember what came first. Is that odd?

When I am dizzy, I sometimes have this kind of pressure in my head, in my ears and sinuses. Today I had this and a pain in my ear. Not every time though. I am sure the dizziness is not sinuses because they feel clear and it only happens sometimes.

I do find myself holding my tongue tense...weird I know but i have to make myself remember to relax my tongue

10-03-10, 20:14
Hi Typer

I know the head pressure all too well.

When you analyse what comes first, you tend to think that you get the physical stuff (palps, flutters, jitters) then you get anxiety. However, my own humble opinion is that if you are suffering from anxiety, even if you are not feeling particuarly anxious, you still are (even subconsciously) and hence you get all those chemicals whizzing around your body playing havoc with your system and organs.

The trick is, to start to tackle the thoughts and not actually focus on the physical.

Claire Weekes talks about this in depth, if you haven't had a read I would recommend it :)



10-03-10, 20:18
It's also important to remember that symptoms caused by anxiety don't have to happen whilst you're anxious, but can happen days later.

The symptoms of anxiety are caused by activation of the sympathetic nervous system, the hormone associated with this is adrenaline. The body does not use adrenaline to keep you in this aroused, sympathetic state for long, and after a few days will switch to the hormone cortisol, which has a similar affect, causing symptoms of anxiety.

Cortisol levels may remain high for a very long time, and so if you are going through a stressful period of your life, or if you have been suffering from lots of bouts of anxiety, you may experience symptoms of anxiety as you mention at any point.

10-03-10, 20:30
Thanks both of you.

Javo4: I am half way through the Claire Weeks book. You are right, I must tackle these thoughts...its hard with the palps...just as I think of something nice - thud or flutter palps - dizzy, dizzy.. which is hard not to think about

Anonbrit: I did not realize that it would switch to cortisol...that explains a lot, thatnsk

10-03-10, 20:37
I know exactly what you mean Typer.

I get those palps where you feel like you are in a lift that drops and stops suddenly, and then you get a little dizzy and shaken (not stirred ;)) after the thud.

But if you have been checked out, and fine, then you know most palps are totally harmless :)

I know they are disturbing though, but stick with the Claire Weekes book, once you can accept anxiety and not stress and fight it, it gets a whole lot better, trust me :)

Good Luck


10-03-10, 21:22
I can relate to that pressure, sinus feeling but I also get droning noises going through my ears. Getting a check on that as im told it could be Tinnitus as I also get whistling noise on occasions too. When I get over anxious, the droning amplifies for a few seconds and I get very hot in the face and dizzy a few seconds.