View Full Version : Does news stories freak you out?!

10-03-10, 21:47
Hi All,
Does anyone get freaked out by articles in magazines/newspapers and on the tv?
Its getting ridiculous now for me. I come across stories in magazines i.e about people who die young suddenly from clots and other random things or find a small lump and 2 months later they have died, when Steven Gately died i just got so freaked out and convinced 100% that i must have what he did and its just brewing up waiting to attack me - for example yesterday in the sun there was a news story about this woman who had anxiety and she said over the years it gave her "sticky blood" which gave her a heart attack!! now of course im thinking that i must be getting sticky blood too and that im doomed.
I dont look for stories like these they just seem to always be in whatever paper i happen to be reading at the time!

I am anxious about dying suddenly because my mum died out of the blue 2 years ago at the age of 54 from a heart attack and she was in good health. It was and still is a huge shock for me and i just cant come to terms with her death.
I had anxiety before she died though so i know that wasnt the trigger of this HA i have but it dont help like!

I am very anxious now that the doctor will put all my symptoms down to anxeity and that i will have a real emergency and i will fob it off as anxiety and it will be the downfall for me. Im even anxious about saying this as i believe im scared what i write will come true!!!!

It cant go on like this.......anyone feel the same??

Linda x

10-03-10, 21:56
for example yesterday in the sun there was a news story about this woman who had anxiety and she said over the years it gave her "sticky blood" which gave her a heart attack!!

I'll tell you now that this specific one is 100% ********! "Sticky blood" I assume is tabloid speak to thrombophilia, and I can tell you with 100% confidence that anxiety does not seriously predispose you to blood clots...

The media is notoriously bad at reporting on health issues. Every story has to be a polar extreme - either coffee is the cure for cancer and will add 50 years to your life, or it will give heart disease and high blood pressure and kill you.

The reality is that neither is true, the media feeds off tiny scraps of medical information that it doesn't fully understand and plasters it on front pages in order to attract customers.

If you want a good resource for all your medical concerns, I suggest http://www.patient.co.uk/.

Patient.co.uk has 2 sections, one for the public, and one that even health care professionals use. It's very reliable and very responsible, two things the media are not!

10-03-10, 21:56
Yes they do me!!! To the point i no longer watch the news!!!! I read some of the stories in magazines and think what is it all coming too,