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View Full Version : st johns wort and prescribed meds

11-02-04, 19:47
Please could anyone tell me about st john wort and prescribed medication. At the moment I am on diazepam and dothiepin. My CPN said for me to ask him or my GP before taking any herbal meds, especially st john wort.
Can anyone shed any light on this please
Thank you
Donna X

11-02-04, 21:24
Those are not known to be interactive ones but the list is growing.

Certainly do not take SJW if you are on the pill, any anticoags or heart medicine or immunosupression .

Ask on www.sjwifo.org .


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12-02-04, 13:25

Does that include not taking SJW if you're on the mini pill. What's the reason for not taking it?

Do you know whether it is very effective with anxiety. Isn't it usually used for depression?


12-02-04, 16:30
Yes, it is usually used for depression but so were SSRIšs originally ! Some people have had great relief.

Do be careful with any BCP - I got massive breakthrough bleeding that lasted about 4 weeks- luckily I didn't get pregnant - that would have been just about the end for me at the time but I came off it as it didnšt seem to be doing much for me at all.

The reason is that both use the same antigen receptor P450 to get absorbed so in essence theyšre all fighting to get through the same door into our systems and some don't make it and thus donšt work properly or work in combination too well and anticoagulate too much ete!

There is a schoool of thought that if you take one in am and one in om then you should be ok but I donšt think Išd risk it.

The website I posted earlier is the place to ask on their forum.They hav emuch more experience then I do.


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14-02-04, 02:03
I've got Saint John's Wort growing in my garden, so I took some and put it in a vase in my lounge. I can honestly say it did nothing to make me feel better. May be I didn't follow the instructions correctly. [:I]

It does however have many uses:
It's an astringent, expectorant and used for bladder troubles, dysentery, worms, diarrhoea, hysteria nervous depression, and jaundice.

It is recommended that you DO NOT use Saint John's Wort if you are taking any of the following:
Indinavir, warfarin, cyclosporin, oral contraceptives, digoxin, SSRI medications, some migraine medications and theophylline.

It is unlikely to cause problems if you are taking inhalers, creams, ointments, eye and ear drops.

New evidence suggests that Saint John's Wort may stop some medications from working correctly or cause a rise in toxic chemicals in the blood.

If in doubt have a word with your doctor who will be able to advice you.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx

[:p] Panic Monster & Scatty Eccentric