View Full Version : Hi new and nervous

11-03-10, 06:56
Hi Everyone

I started getting bad panic attacks early this year, I thought I was dying, my symptoms were
not feeling here
racing heart followed by a slow heart beat and pulpitations
shivering inside followed by shaking outside
numbness on the side of my face and across my forehead
arm felt heavy and achy
tingling in my fingers
pain and damp feeling across my chest
ringing in my ears
and blurry vision
I think that is all
I was taking to a and e and left after a few hours being told it was a action to citalapram and told to stop taking them, I had only been on them for a couple of days.
they said that the feeling should subside in about 24 hours as I had not been on them too long.
next night I was calling 999 again with same symptoms, the first paramedic to come out, said it was panic attack and there is no need to go anywhere. an hour later I called again and they said that I need to be checked out because it my heart seemed to skip beat every now and then.
the doctor was lovely done tests, and then said all was ok. but said that she didnt want to send me home until I have reassurance of what it is and I am ok. she asked me if I would do her a favour and take a tablet called diazapam and have a cup of tea and she would come back in half hour and we would talk and see where to go next.

When she came back, I was calm, and smiling almost. she smiled and sat down and took the time to tell me what it was (panic attacks) and why my body was reacting the way it did.

She also said that because I had been diagnosed with ptsd, (due to being sexually assaulted and losing my partners baby )I would need to go back to my gp and see what other anti depressents I could try, to see if they suited me better. I have since been given sertraline? but I am reluctant to start them because of last time.

I sleep for only a couple of hours and that is in the afternoon. I sit in my bedroom where I feel safe. I have 4 children and a brilliant partner and I hate myself for being like this.

This feeling of fear and sheer panic all the time, it doesnt go. tonight I had a bolt of pain through the right side of my head and behind my eye, which went off after a while but has left another headache.

what ailment or illness etc will I have tomorrow??? I am frightened to hear about anyone being ill because I can get it all!!!

Is this normal??? am I going mad??? does it stop????

11-03-10, 07:06
Morning Jodo

I am sorry to hear that you have gone through such difficult times and after your experiences it isn't suprising that your emotions are all over the place.

Don't opt just for medication you need to talk this through with someone, there are obviously fears that need to be recognised and addressed and you must have your hands full with the children holding it all together.

Panic attacks aren't very nice and people get them to differing degrees yours sounds as if it hit full on. You are not mad your body is trying to over protect you hunni that is all.

The medication will help you to calm down but it does take a while to get into your system and the effects to work... it doesn't mean that you will be on them for life it is just something you need to help you stop having those extreme feelings that you are living with at the moment.

I really hope that you consider taking them but please please please try to get some therapy too and the very best wishes sent to you x

11-03-10, 07:31
Hi Sharon

I am waiting for councilling, they said it should take 10 weeks to come through.

I am going to try and see my gp today, and talk over my fears and see if she thinks these are the best option for me, and this time I am hoping I will take her word for it.

Hopefully that will help me face everything else that is going on at the moment in my life with my family.

Finding this site seems like a step in the right direction, I am used to people saying get over it or laughing at me when I am bad. which really just causes me to become more anxious.

thanks for your reply :)

11-03-10, 09:36
can anyone please tell me if this is normal for a panic attack.
In the night I had a bolt of pain across my right side of my head and behind my right eye. it went off after about half hour but has left me with a headache and a dull pain where there bad pain was. I have taken nurofen but it has not shifted it.
I have only slept for about 3 hours in the last couple of days aswell. could this have anything to do with it

11-03-10, 09:41
Ur not going mad the rest of the world is i think at times go back and talk 2 ur GP u need some 1 2 talk 2 my hubby has PTSD and finds it very helpful talking 2 others who have the same he goes to a group meeting once a month. I have GAD brought on by very stressful job and hubby not his fault love him loads so got rid of the job. C if they have any groups near u like Mind or the Samaritans and get in touch with them they r brill and will help u

11-03-10, 10:30
Thank you Leony

I am going to try and get a couple of hours sleep, as I havnt slept at all yet.

my head does seem to be easing, just getting the numbness now, which is not painful just annoying.

I am seeing my gp this evening, i have looked up MIND and that sounds like a very good idea. I also have a number for councilling for what happened to me last me, which is why I have the ptsd.

I thought that I was coping really well, I moved away from the area where I was attacked. but I now realise that you cant run away from what is in your head.

Hopefully now I have started to get some help and actually can talk about it, it might start to get easier.

My partner is also struggling with what happened to me and all of its effects , and has been put on citalapram for depression. which he has had no side effects at all. it just goes to show how we all cope with things differently.

sometimes I forget that my partner is coping with what I am going through aswell. It is only when it is brought to my attention, that I see it. He is brilliant, he does school runs and cooks and is always there for me.

I dont think I would have got this far without him, I hope you are ok and thank you for the advice.

look after yourself

11-03-10, 23:03

Please can someone help??
I think I may have a migraine due to stress. Ihad a headache yestreday all day, and then last night I had a bolt of severe pain above my eye and across the right side of my head, that onlt lasted a few seconds and a couple of times, but it has left me with a headache, that I can hardly move with and do not like light, also there is an achiy dull pain where I had the bolt of pain.

Is this stress related ?? migraine??
would apprreciate a bit of advice or to hear from someone who has had this

thanks in advance

12-03-10, 17:42
Sounds as though it could be migraine - worth talking to your GP about. I have had migraines since I was 9 and as well as painkillers, I use a cold compress on my head while lying in a dark room. You can buy the migrain relief compresses or simply cold water on a face cloth can be equally effective.

Hope this helps


13-03-10, 01:03
Thanks Nic

The dark room and a cold flannel seems to have taken off the last bit of it. wish I had knew that a couple of days ago. might invest an some migraine relief just incase it should come back.
thanks again