View Full Version : going 2 Scotland tomorrow

11-03-10, 09:01
Am going to Scotland 2 morrow with hubby he receives treatment at Combat Stress 4 PTSD am really freaking out about going over have 2 get the boat live in Northern Ireland worried i will have a panic attack on boat cant get off can i think they would object if i tried jumping off and when i get there thought of meeting and being in a room with a load of strangers. Have been b 4 staff r amazing and the place we stay is fantastic and the fellas that go 4 treatment r brill after what they have been through what have i got 2 worry about. Any tips on how 2 calm down or cope would b very welcome dont want 2 make a fool of myself.:blush:

11-03-10, 11:04
Hi, I completed a 14 hour flight to Malaysia and back, and I am petrified of flying, not just a nervous flyer, phobic.

I got through it, by thinking of all the reasons why I had to do it, the positive reasons, my partner was working out there and was not coming back, so I had no option. I even wrote down the reasons and kept reading it. I think it helped me.

Hope that helps

11-03-10, 11:18
Will do that as i really enjoy it there so relaxing and will take Claire Weekes book with me c if that makes a difference thanks 4 the reply

11-03-10, 11:37
To be honest Leony, Im not very good at any forms of travel. Anxiety is quite bad, but somehow always get through it, sometimes my mind adopts a kind of numb approach - think its the bodies way of protecting itself. Or its a technique that I have managed to develop.

11-03-10, 12:30
i once said 2 my GP it would b nice to b able 2 flick a switch in my head and make this go away i think we all would but then we would b robots which would b very boring

11-03-10, 12:32
Hi Leony
Yes, wouldn't it be nice if we could just flick a switch and turn off how we feel with anxiety.:yesyes:
I have agoraphobia but still make myself go out, even though it is never easy. I mostly have to have someone with me or my dog, however if I don't then I listen to music, which really does help me. It just distracts from the anxious thoughts and relaxes me.
I also listen to Paul Mckenna and find listening to him really helps me.
Reading, is good too - basically anything to distract you from the anxious thoughts.
Do you take any medication that can help?
I don't like rooms of people or any crowded situation, so I always make sure I am on the edge of the room, usually near the exit! lol I also have to have a couple of drinks in such situations to calm me down but I don't recommend this.:lac:
I don't like anywhere where I can't get out easily - like you with the boat - and that is when I listen to music or read just to distract myself.
I hope you have a lovely relaxing time away, both you and your partner. Mine is in the forces too.
It makes me think I have nothing to worry about compared to what some service men and women,have to deal with, but that said, what we suffer with is just as valid and unique to us in our own way.
Let us know how you get on. :hugs:

11-03-10, 13:05
Not in the forces any more retired long time ago, symptoms appeared approx 10 years ago 20 years after he served, some of the fellas at Combat Stress have far bigger problems than my Hubby and i feel so sorry 4 them only young fellas the Government has a lot 2 answer 4 they deserve all the help posible and more comes 2 something when a charity has 2 fill the gaps

11-03-10, 13:22
Totally agree with you on that, Leony!