View Full Version : Occular Migraine?

11-03-10, 09:18
Im freaking out cos I had a visual migraine tht lasted for abt 30 mins..it went away but was followed by ANOTHER that is just starting to pass now!! hs this happened to anyone here?! like, 2 in a row?!

11-03-10, 09:26
Its happened to me, on and off for a few months one after the other (4 years ago). Doctor could only say that they were cluster migraines. Also had the auras - started in my right eye and waggles across the left (almost like it went in through my right ear, over my vision and out the left ear!! Its what actually set off my HA to stupid levels!
Mine were caused......so they say, by a minor op that I had a local for. My head reacted with the local. BUT I will say I was under massive amounts of stress at the time. Horrible, horrible!!

11-03-10, 09:47
Don't panic, I have had occular migraine for 45 years and it is quite common to get two and even a third, one after the other. I am lucky I only get a vague headache after but many people get bad ones. It affects both eyes at the same time and mine lasts for about 20 minutes.


11-03-10, 11:11
vague headache, yes...I have one now on the right side and behind my right eye...not too bad..abt a 6/10 on the pain scale.

this episode worries me because its the first migraine/aura episode ive had in over a year. and the two in a row thing has NEVER happened to me before.

11-03-10, 13:17
Mine are quite often set off by tiredness or low bloood sugar. I have the aura but not much pain.

Eating, and taking something with caffeine in helps. Solpadeine Plus is great (it has caffeine added).

11-03-10, 13:33
Yes Solpadeine Plus is great it is the only thing I find works for my migraines (I have complicated migraines, many neru symptoms), Solpadeine plus has codeine in it, my GP says not to take it as it is addictive, but when you are in such pain and this is all that helps then who cares,


11-03-10, 14:21
these seem to be the remnants of my ten plus year hostory of migraines. I too get/got a whole hosr of neuro symptoms like, visual thing obv..umm, speech problems, numb limbs etc...The two episodes i had today were accompanied with a lot of confusion/nausea. Im worried because i thought they had stopped..i have gone 15 mnths without having anything of the sort and boom! today i get two episodes in a row and its left me very shaken.