View Full Version : Struggling Again.....:0(

11-03-10, 10:47
Hi Guys

I have not been here for a while although i do check in most days i have just not needed to post but i can feel all the old feelings coming back slowly but surely......there has been quite alot of stress recently my husband ended up being taken to hospital by ambulance from work saturday last with chest pains and his heft arm was numb :ohmy: i could,nt go with him because of the kids (he works nights) anyway he had 3 ecg,s a full set of blood tests and another heart monitor the name of which escapes me and he has been told it is stress

He has been off sick from work since but his company are very clever about making you feel guilty when you are ill and off work so that is adding to his stress which in turn is adding to mine he is worried about going back to work and i am worried for him

Also mothers day is approaching my HA started when my mam suddenly died of a heart attack in nov 08 so i don,t know if that is also adding to my stress one of my daughters is not talking to me has not since saturday because i did,nt like her coming home late it makes me worry and imagine allsorts so that does,nt help i also have numorous other little petty things on my mind i just feel as though it is all building up

So the result of all this my ibs is playing up also my back ache is back i went doctors tuesday because i had face pressure and my ears felt very funny he said i have rhinosinusitis but obviously to me thats a brain tumour i just feel a bit low don,t want to bother my hubby he has his own problems

Anyone help?

11-03-10, 16:19
Sorry you are having a tough go of it but I am glad it wasn't something more serious with your husband. Your kid will get over it and your hubby's job will be fine. Try not to focus on the negative (I need to take my own advice) and post here if you need us.

11-03-10, 19:49
Hi J2

Thanks so much for your reply

I still feel awful been really bad today i was just thinking a couple of days ago how well i felt much better thought things were on the up

i have spoke to my hubby a little today he said he is big and ugly enough to look after himself lol my daughter is still not talking to me

feel so stressed :weep:

11-03-10, 21:03
Hi there, sounds like you are having a rough time. I'm so glad your husband is ok. I know what you mean about the stress thing and all the feelings coming back, but I am sure that is all due to your anxiety with everything going on in your life. Your daughter will come round, I know how it feels to worry about your children coming in late. Thank goodness my sons are grown now, one married and the other just come back to stay with me for a while whilst I've have this awful anxiety/panic. I spent what felt like years waiting for them to come home. If they were late I used to panic like mad, still do it somewhat now even though they are grown (one is 28 and one 37) but it never stops and I have brought them up alone since my youngest was 18 months old. That has always been part of my problem, I always think the worst has happened if they don't answer their phone or I can't get hold of them!! They are good with me though, because they both understand why I am like it, and as they have got older they too realise that it's just because I am their mum and I love them but do worry about them. I am sure your daughter will get to the point where she understands that you are just worrying about her safety.

I hope your back will soon feel better, I'm sure that is all due to the stress cos I get that as well, blooming awful, I just tense myself up and there it is neck ache, shoulder ache and back ache, lovely!! Brain tumour is also a favourite of mine, pain in the head behind ear for years on and off, but of course it is a brain tumour!

This anxiety/panic/stress has a lot to answer for, but I do hope you will soon be feeling much better and all the best to your husband.

Jannie x x