View Full Version : Do you ever get over it (anxiety) ?

11-03-10, 16:24
Is it a life long illness despite medication,cbt etc?

Can you ever truly 100% get over it or is it just one of those things ?

Have you managed to and if yes how?

11-03-10, 17:03
There is a time when its necessary to be anxious ..It a signal to prepare you for certain situations ..THE FLIGHT OR FIGHT MODE Its not something that completely goes away .Its like being Sad ..sometimes you are sad .Its a fact ...Its the way you react to it ..You dont say .when you are sad " ooh im sad again today will i ever be happy again do you ? " Because you know it will pass (.You may do if you are depressed .)The same goes for anxiety .Its how you react to it .I think you learn how to deal with it and put it in its place .Its A necessary feeling we get ,Learn not to overeact and it goes back to the Normal function it was instilled in us for .To protect us ..Dont fear it embrace it ..IT really is your friend ..I have managed to do this .It no longer is something I fear .I just accept it and my Mind is no longer stuck in a cage of fear ...I TAKE 2OMG OF CITALOPRAM AND HAVE COME DOWN FROM 40..I have read as much as I could on Anxiety and causes I could find .Learnt relaxation and deep breathing skills .Taught myself to not get overly stressed and when to take things slowly instead of expecting too much from myself .
Reccomend Claire weekes books .Positive thinking and taking things one step at a time I suffered very bad for Years .. Sue

11-03-10, 21:19
Hi Rom, I recently posted something similar!

I had anxiety really bad about 10yrs ago, it took me 3 years of medication but I managed to get back to some normality. I was off them for several years but have recently suffered a setback and have had to go back on medication. Im hoping that as Ive done it before it wont take me as long to get back this time. Im sure its different for everyone but the above advice is so true, I dont think its something that ever goes away but with time (&meds!) you can learn to live with it.

11-03-10, 21:30
Couldn't agree more - I've suffered for over 25 years but I just accept that's just the way I am and I get on with life.I can't say the anxiety has ever prevented me from doing anything I really wanted to do although sometimes it can be very uncomfortable. Just accept it -it's the only way to manage it and by doing so it becomes less of a problem
All the Best

11-03-10, 21:30
You can learn to live with it, comfortably. When you learn to live with it then this is when it disappears into the background because you are not afraid of it. It can rear it's ugly head now and again if you are going through a stressful period, but when you come to terms with this happening now and again then it will go. Looking after your own needs and not overwhelming yourself with too much work and stress can definitely help, because things catch up with you eventually. Although obviously this isn't always easy. But you can definitely learn to live with it, so please don't despair.

11-03-10, 22:59
I had a really stressful time around 2 months ago for multiple reason which caused me to be really anxious. I had a panic attack and was really scared. Now I have nothing in my life that is making me anxious and I'm stress free. Why is it that I still get symptoms of anxiety? Can I get rid of these symptoms and go on with my life already?

12-03-10, 05:55
Hi Rom

I truly hope it is something that does not affect us to the level it does but I don't think it will ever truly go away, it is part of us as humans but what we don't need is for it to be in overdrive, that's where it all goes wrong.

Sue loved your reply it really gives hope it is lovely to hear that you have mastered it .. I remember saying way back in October that I would not let this beat me.. and you have just reminded me of that ...thank you girlie ..

hugs x

12-03-10, 12:45
The question is it really that helpful having those feelings i can think of more bad reason than good reasons but thats just now.I guess its true its a sort of protecting the self but it really feels bad that to do that it has to put the brake on any progress you try and make in life or make it very difficult indeed.When it puts the brake on your life it seems you get even stronger feelings like guilt,worry,panic,despair just because of it trying to keep you safe.Its like a no win situation or a double edge sword does anyone agree with this ?

12-03-10, 15:42
of course you can :)

as horrible as moments and days can seem when you are in the pit of your anxiety, memory still heals all. (with the added bonus that your memory is bad when you are anxious so you forget all the bad stuff very quickly)

anxiety is not an illness like bipolar or schizophrenia which involve larges changes to the neurobiology and at this time are incurable (PTSD is slightly different as this can involve some large changes to the brain). Your normal anxiety is completely recoverable, my brother for instance had a massive breakdown 9 years ago and spent 2 weeks in a psychiatric hospital and even had some psychotic symptoms which is very unusual. He recovered in 4-5 months and is now very happy, lives a normal and full life and has started a family (he says he never feels anxious or even ever thinks about his breakdown anymore). I myself had a breakdown at the start of November which i took 4 months off for but i am now back to full health and am actually grateful for it coming as i have been able to re evaluate some things in my life.

Don't be too upset if you don't get too many people in the thread saying the same as me, dont forget that 99% of people who recover from anxiety forget about it all and get on with their normal lives so are not going to be spending too much time on NMP. :)

good luck

P.S. i recommend checking out acceptance and commitment therapy. IMO it's a 100% cure of anxiety if you stick to it.

12-03-10, 16:45
i dont think you truly get over it but with help and posetive thoughts it becomes less and life seems better ,you have to work at it ,its hard but will succeed

12-03-10, 18:54
I think it's something you learn to live with. I also think the more you accept that it is part of who you are then the easier it becomes.
I suffer from agoraphobia and for long enough, i tried to throw it to the side because i was embarrassed and ashamed, at that point, i found my anxiety was probably the highest it has ever been and i have suffered for about 24 years with anxiety. It wasn't really until i joined NMP that i began to feel normal again, it took me a long time but i did begin to accept that this is who i am. From then on, things have got easier. I can go out alot more although not too far. I have my confidence back and my anxiety levels are so much more stable.

I suppose we are all different as my mum has also suffered on and off for years but she doesn't let it stop her doing anything. She has improved so much over the years and doesn't let it effect her life in any way.

Take care


Lion King
12-03-10, 22:27
Hi there,

I don't think it goes away, we just learn how to cope with it.

Hope you are all well.


19-01-11, 18:02
Just bumping this up as there is another post about this at the moment ..

19-01-11, 21:27
I've overcome anxiety before with CBT and was totally well for many years. Unfortunately though, I had a setback and it returned. I understand my anxiety from what I learned but it still has the better of me at the moment.