View Full Version : Hello

11-03-10, 17:59

my names Andy im 28 years old and have just been diagnosed with suffering from Anxiety.

basically for the past 18 months / 2 years I have been getting pains in my chest and generally havent felt well at the start id lost 3 stone in weight in a matter of months without trying, so the doctors sent me for every type of blood test you can think off, all came back clear, so I got referred to an endocrinologist - this is where it starts to get "interesting" he had a good check of me and said he thought id got a heart murmor but also sent me for an ultrasound on my stomach and heart, both came back "clear" but he wanted me to see a cardiologist - with a 12 week wait to see him, by this point it was about 12 months down the line and id given up, was fed up and basically couldnt take the pains any more so I went private via my works health care and had an MRI scan - this came back clear just before xmas - so just what was causing the pains ? the sickness feeling ? dizzyness ?

id booked to goto see my gp about 2 weeks ago but the day before something went "bang" i was sweating, i was shakeing, i couldnt speak my breathing was all over the place and my partner rang an ambulance, who told me after checking me over that id had a panic attack. got taken to a & e who said the same and was told to go see my doctor. which i did, got put on betablockers which did seem to help but gave me headaches and made me dizzy and have now been put on something called citalopram and signed off work for a week.

now tonight by chance i saw a work friend walking down a road i was waiting on to pick my partner up from work and he asked why i wasnt at work so i explained and he stopped dead in his tracks and said hed been through the same and told me about this place.

I also suffer from psoriasis which is flareing up like mad because im stressed out from everything.
so basically that is my story (sorry for going on a bit) but im here looking for some help because right now im struggling. i cant see an end to it and want to get back to work but im not fit to as im constantly feeling sick / tired / dizzy and got these pains in my chest.

look forward to reading through this forum

11-03-10, 18:00
Hi andyg81

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

11-03-10, 18:48
hi andy welcome to nmp x

11-03-10, 20:56
Hi Andy,

Im new on here too, there's lots of us with similar symptoms, you can search the forum there is lots of good advice and info, welcome :)

11-03-10, 21:14
Hi everyone. I'm newbie here. I promise that I'll help you guys with my knowledge. Have a nice day:hugs:

Vanilla Sky
11-03-10, 21:14
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x