View Full Version : have i now got depression

11-03-10, 18:04
havent been to work in 2 months!
have had crazy amount of tests!
symptoms have remained the same for past 5 months!
have had anxiety.............
now i wake up crying............dont move for maybe 6 hours and just let the tears run as some type of release...........
phoning work tommorow to say i wont be back.........

so after tommorow, i'll have no job, no car, no money, no life

anyone here just wish they could be erased from existence

11-03-10, 18:14
So sorry things are so bad for you at the moment but please trust me when i say things can and will improve. :hugs:I know it's difficult but it's a case of trying to piece your life back together bit by bit. Take little steps to try to bring some structure into your day.

Are you in regular contact with your gp? Have you been given any answers regarding how you are feeling?


11-03-10, 18:18
hi lisa, to tell you the truth my gp sees me as a number.........have given up on the doctors..........ive talked to him but he just cut me of and threw me proponanal...which hasnt done a thing

11-03-10, 18:25
Can you make an appointment with another doctor? I did this several times until i found a doctor that i felt took me seriously and actualy had my best interests at heart. We are all entitled to a second opinion hun so please don't think you are a lost cause.

I am not a professional by any means but you do sound very depressed to me but that's not surprising hun if you are getting no help.

There are so many things your Gp could be doing for you like referring you for counselling...CBT...

Please don't give up..get up tomorrow and ring your local surgery and ask to see another gp.


11-03-10, 18:30
will do.......thanx lisa

11-03-10, 18:34
Let me know how you get on! be thinking of you!


11-03-10, 18:51
Because you've been anxious for a while it can really bring you down and it sounds like you've reached that point. But as Lisa says, you can get help with this, and you won't always feel like this. If you really feel your gp isn't helping you then it's time to get one who does. When you find the right doctor then you are on your way to getting through this dark phase. There's light at the end of the tunnel, so please don't despair. Let us know how you get on.