View Full Version : hello

11-03-10, 18:17
hello all,

just to introduce myself. my name is becky, im 37 and am currently suffering from chronic anxiety and have been for last 16 months. i dont leave the house without my partner and she has to work nights as i am too frightened to be on my own in the house during the day and the nights i usually go to my mothers house. i am currently on mitrazipine 45mg but they seem to be making me very depressed and put on an awful lot of weight, so am off to doctors tomorrow to have a rethink. i am having cbt sessions which are really helping and have an excellent support worker. I went in a supermarket for the first time last week, where i got terribly verbally abused by a group of youths and today, despite a good cbt seeion feel completely back to square one. I used to work in a school and have a great social life and really dont understand as yet why me? anyway thats me. hope to get to know you all.


11-03-10, 18:19
Hi beckyb333

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

ally b
11-03-10, 18:30
Hi becky an:welcome:.Id say im kinnda in the same situation as,dont like to be on my own,cant stand to go out even wiv my parner,it sucks.I recently went back the docs,he doubled my citalopram to 40mg,and next week i get to see cpn.I hope it starts to work,coz i cant stand this no more. xx

11-03-10, 18:42
thanks for the warm welsome all. sucks doesnt it ally? im terrified of going to doctor tomorrow as the doctor i was seeing has left and i have to see a new one. im always worried they will laugh at me. one doctor told me to pull myself together! Have u tried cbt at all?

ally b
11-03-10, 18:57
No,only the meds im on right now.
Im lucky i have a great doctor that i trust.My mum was once told you either sink or swim by her doc,she is bipolar,had depression from the age of 17.She was devastated,scared ov the docs.Belive it or not the next time she went the doc apologised.

11-03-10, 19:04
ive been recommeneded this gp im hopefully going to tomorrow, anxiety allowing, so fingers crossed i can get my meds changed to something that works and doesnt make me feel quite so suicidal!

ally b
11-03-10, 19:07
You really should go,get some help,you shouldnt have to go through this.
Good luck,my fingers crossed for you 2.Let us know how you get on. Best wishes xxx

Vanilla Sky
11-03-10, 21:17
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

margaret jones
11-03-10, 22:25
HI Becky welcome you will find lots of help and advice and soon feel better

Take Care Maggiexx

12-03-10, 17:55
thanks all for ur welcome messages. I went to the doctor today and it was a complete waste of time. He refused to change my medication as I was on maximum dose and it would take time to get me off it and onto something else. He also told me to go to the practice dietician..hmmm how helpful as its the medication thats making me put on weight! He referred me to the community mental health team which I actually dont want as i then cant still see my cbt counsellor as she is part of the IAPT team. Anyway I spoke to her afterwards and she is going to get her boss to speak to my doctor as that might help him change it. Fingers crossed!

Veronica H
13-03-10, 10:58
:welcome:to NMP Becky.


13-03-10, 11:45
I'm new to the forum.
Very good information’s, I am also try to post something useful in return.

ally b
20-03-10, 23:33
Hey becky.
How are things for you you right now??????
I ope ur ok...
If ya need to talk we are here 4 ya. xx

26-03-10, 10:07
hi ally, Im ok. Had some bad news yesterday that the woman i see for cbt is leaving and if i want to carry on with it I have to see a bloke who is the son in law of my neighbours which is freaking me out big time. He is also very religious and that also worries me... I have nothing against religion but my partner has put it in my head that he maybe biased against me because of my sexuality. So despite the fact that she isnt leaving for a month Im freaking out big time already. I also have a medical on saturday for my esa which isnt helping. Only bit of good news is that I am hopefully getting a change of medication, I just have to wait for a referral to the community health team. In the mean time when my partner has day shifts I sit in the car as Im too scared in the house! By the way has anyone heard of something called (now I know Im going to get these initials wrong) EBSI or EDSI something like that??? Its a branch of CBT that I might have but dont know what it is!!