View Full Version : odd feeling

11-03-10, 20:27
i keep getting a short sharp pain in my ear then after that. a odd feeling in my ear and head feels light ache. i had this for a week
i dont know this is causes i get work up thinking that i got the big c on my brain

but i had blood test done last week, if something was wrong with my body or head it would have shown up right?

feeling low and i got a cold:weep:

cheersforreading any replys most welcomed

11-03-10, 20:48
Bless you hun, it probably has something to do with your cold! It's certainly not symptoms of a brain tumour so please don't give that another though.

If you are still worried then perhaps ask you gp to check your ears but i certainly don't think it indicates anything serious.

Hope you feel better soon


11-03-10, 21:20
thank you lisa

i had really bad anxiety for about 6 week's. and one the thing's i be worry about is my head, is like a lighthead pain only gets worst if i listen to loud music or leave my glasses on.
it so hard to tell what is real symptoms or anxiety symptoms

i had full blood count red blood count blood glucose they all came back above normal so sure if something was not right with me it would have show up

11-03-10, 21:27
If you had something 'horrible' your blood results would be all over the place. try to relax, the world is full of viruses at the moment.....blame global warming! :D

11-03-10, 21:43
its so odd the feeling am getting but i guessing if i had brain tumor i had been a bit sick and the headache would be like a migraine by now and my vission been good i just had a eye test so sure if something was up it been pointed out

11-03-10, 21:49
An eye test is an excellent indicator to general well-being. You have nothing to worry about.

11-03-10, 21:58
thank you lisa

i had really bad anxiety for about 6 week's. and one the thing's i be worry about is my head, is like a lighthead pain only gets worst if i listen to loud music or leave my glasses on.
it so hard to tell what is real symptoms or anxiety symptoms

i had full blood count red blood count blood glucose they all came back above normal so sure if something was not right with me it would have show up

When we suffer from anx...we can be susceptible to having problems with loud music, bright lights etc...The first thing i notice when my anxiety is high is my eyes. I feel like i can't focus properly on anything and loud music would certainly make my head pulse. My mum who also suffers from anxiety is the exact same.

I think it is because we become so sensetive that the least little thing can make us very aware of how it effects us.

I know it's not nice huni but you it can't harm you and you can overcome it!

You take care

11-03-10, 22:05
thank you sandradee
i believe these are symptoms to do with what am worry about
so i ask myself the 8 question
being or feeling sick? no.
blurred vision? eye sight always been bad. but not worst then normal.
drowsiness? nope.
changes in personality, memory or mental ability? having anxiety bit hard to say lol. but no not really
weakness on one side of the body? got a bit of a limp but again that cos am fat, so guess thats nope.
difficulties with speaking? sometimes slurred my word's but i been doing that for years so again i say no.
problems with hearing? no i can hear well.
problems with sense of smell? thats a diffo no some things i smelt on a train yesterday was awful

i believe that 8 no's

11-03-10, 22:15
When we suffer from anx...we can be susceptible to having problems with loud music, bright lights etc...The first thing i notice when my anxiety is high is my eyes. I feel like i can't focus properly on anything and loud music would certainly make my head pulse. My mum who also suffers from anxiety is the exact same.

I think it is because we become so sensetive that the least little thing can make us very aware of how it effects us.

I know it's not nice huni but you it can't harm you and you can overcome it!

You take care
totally get what you saying lisa.
i was doing the house shop on monday, pushing the trolly round i thought to myself 'oh my head not felt light or any short head pains in few days'
guess what? within 5 minute's of thinking that it started, think the same thing happen to me tonight.

12-03-10, 00:27
just got to look of the list of them 8 symptoms and the fact i not got any of them as plus and try get on with my life
if only it was that easy lol

12-03-10, 01:45
Well, your symptoms are entirely inconsistent with a space-occupying mass like a brain tumor so you can certainly relax from that standpoint.

If there is a sense of fullness in the ear following the sharp pain then several things can be responsible for this symptom. Certain viral illnesses can affect the nerve which innervates the area of the ear and is caused by the Herpes virion, causing a disorder known as Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, type II, also known as Herpes Zoster Oticus. In the presence of cold-like symptoms as mentioned, this would be a consideration. It is self-limiting and typically fully resolves within a couple of weeks. If symptoms worsen and the ear becomes noticeably inflamed and red, then medical attention should be sought. Treatment with steroids is typically the mainstay, together with anti-viral medications to reduce spectrum of involvement.

Aside from this consideration, otitis can also produce similar symptoms and is most commonly bacterial in nature.

Lastly, simple muscle tension can produce pain in the area described, although subsequent light-headed sensations or dizziness is rare.

It will likely self-resolve but if symptoms persist or worsen over the next 72 hours, then evaluation or at least contact with your primary care physician is advisable.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

12-03-10, 10:27
am in to see a doctor at 11:30
i only get the lighthead feeling rarely more then once a day

12-03-10, 14:55
been to doctors and she say my inner ear looks red an inflamed on my left side
she give me some ear drops called locorten vioform

she tell me not only could i feel lighthead but i also could feel like am losing my balance