View Full Version : hi..here is my battle with anxiety!!

11-03-10, 22:06
hi everyone..m new to this site and i wanted to share what i go through with you..i am a female, 29, married and have a boy 13 months old. i have been suffering from anxiety since last June, then when i had my first panic attack. I need your reassurance and help guys. I wanted to post a thread but didn't know how really can anyone assist plz?!! cheers to all of you good ppl..


11-03-10, 22:07
Hi mary1

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

margaret jones
11-03-10, 22:16
Hi Mary welcome you will find so much help and good advice on this site that i hope you are soon feeling better

Take Care Maggie xx

ally b
11-03-10, 22:44
Welcome Mary.There is always some advice and support here.This site as been a huge help 2 me. xx

11-03-10, 23:29
thank you all for your replies..i just wanted to add that my anxiety really started a few months after having my son and i also feel depressed at times. I do always have fears about dying or fainting :( and its becoming soo obsessive i keep ignoring them but they happen!! i lost so weight since it started..i am not on med. i don't like med. i want to help myself go through this nasty thing.. when i feel stressed with my son it gets worse but on somedays it more managable..as i said my main symptoms are first the thought itself pops into my mind then i get fearful then i start geting some faster heart beats then get abit dizzy then feel that tightness in my chest and feel like can't take deep breaths and can't get enough until i yawn !! i then feel soo tired and detached really..:( pls some one tells me about their experience as it makes me betetr listening to other ppls symptoms ..!! thanks again xxx


12-03-10, 09:30
Hi Mary :)

I'm 25 and have an 8 month old son, my anxiety started when I was 4 weeks pregnant and since the birth it has gotten so much worse!! I work part time and try to live a normal (well it looks normal from the outside) life but the anxiety is totally ruining me and making a very good happy life into a constant battle. Some days are better than others but not a day goes by where I am symptom free. I constantly worry about my health and my son's health and I think about every single thing that could go wrong but it's got to the stage where I am just fearing the anxiety itself and that the actual anxiety is going to kill me or stop me from having any more children. I don't take medication but I'm currently undergoing CBT, I will have been suffering two years in October and I refuse to let this anniversary take place, I have to get better because I want to try for another baby in Novemember after my wedding.

Please feel free to PM me if you want to talk about your worries and symptoms. I too feel detached because no one around me has a clue how it feels to be trapped in this vicious circle and feel so poorly all the time. It's a common problem though and I think a lot of mams suffer especially because they have so much love for their children.


13-03-10, 15:13
hiya mary ..i totally understand what you going through ..its a scary thing what happoening to us ....i say to my self ....why cant i just be normal ? i hate the way i feel ,on edge all the time,feeling im going crazy and unreal,it gets that bad sumtimes im frightened of going out !!!!im even getting them in the house now(anxity attacks)some days i feel ok x so ...your not on your own xxx