View Full Version : New Here

11-03-10, 22:09
Hi I'm Fiona, I'm new here

I ve been suffering anxiety off and on for 12 years. Thought I had it ... controlled more or less. Then after Christmas during the snow it hit me like a sledge hammer.

Going through a rough patch since then. Different - new symptoms this time. Looked at the recent posts and saw that I have the same horrible symptoms as someone else. Its like having a bladder infection with thrush, stinging and burning on and on it goes so painful and stressful. Been to the Gp's several times, been tested - no infections no thrush.

Trying to convince myself the symptoms are caused by anxiety not some horrible chronic condition. Hate being like this it affects everything and everybody in the house, My kids too. Feel so bad about that.

Have had lots of different anxiety things thru the years.. breathing problems, sweating, trembling ,panic attacks...all the usual suspects. I am a bit agoraphobic, dont go in buses, taxis, planes. Have a phobia about medications...

I was delighted to find this web site. Its so nice to know there are others out there.


11-03-10, 22:12
Hi pmac

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

ally b
11-03-10, 22:13
Hi fiona an:welcome:
This site offers great advice an support,and they understand.xx

margaret jones
11-03-10, 22:28
Hi Fiona welcome this site has helped me so much i think you will find the advice and friendship great
Take Care Maggie

11-03-10, 23:05
Hi Fiona.

I have suffered a setback recently after several years of controlling it and Im finding this website a help and comfort, Im sure you will too :)

11-03-10, 23:17
Hi Fiona
:welcome: and I'm wondering if your doc has ever mentioned a condition called irritable or overactive bladder? I have had similar symptoms to you and that's what they diagnosed it as. I take medication for it but also find taking cranberry capsules a big help. I suppose it is a chronic condition but it's not really horrible when treated.

Hope you find NMP helpful x

14-03-10, 12:58
Hi Fiona

:welcome:to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :hugs: