View Full Version : worried...

11-03-10, 23:00
ok..this has to do with my long standing health issue...problem started in november. most of you know that at this point ive had MRI of head cos it all started with a visual disturbance...then I got these asthma/reflux/palpitation symptoms...really bad spells of tight chest, breathing problems, wheeze etc...then head jolts...then dizzy spells/lightheadedness...Then I was referred to palp clinic..wore holter, saw cardio...got the all clear..new theory is reflux/hernia or asthma..The latter is what my cardio thinks it is. Im rly worried because three times over the last two months blood has appeared in my mouth from outta nowhere..cardio said its most likely coming from sinuses...But given my other symptoms its playing on my mind a hell of a lot. also, I feel like shit almost all of the time. always in some degree of discomfort...Still have breathing issues..I even feel faint/weird when I breathe..I mention all of this to docs and they dnt rly seem phased/concerned....I know ill have to have endoscopy and further tests/trips to hospital and I just feel drained and frustrated/worn out...just want to feel well again...Im past being anxious now pretty much...

11-03-10, 23:27
Hi there.

This acid reflux is such a horrible thing isnt it?. I cant believe how much it has affected my life recently too and am so annoyed its causing me so much anxiety, so I know how you feel. I suffer with pretty much the same symptoms and palps have been almost daily for me.

I found a website yesterday refluxadvice.co.uk, you might have seen it already? but if not it has some good info on there so have a read.

I think the fact you feel like shit is probably because it's made you so anxious and stressed. Its horrid not knowing exactly whats wrong, but good to know that its not your heart. What does your doc say to do next then, will you need some GI tests? Make sure you keep on at them, make sure they know how shit its making you feel. Take care :)