View Full Version : *Nervous waving*

12-03-10, 01:04
I've had symptoms of anxiety since the age of 16..It's now 20yrs later and I still have anxiety and panic attacks...I have health anxiety as well...I was prescribed fluoxetine early on in my diagnosis and I had akathisia as a side effect and it was the scariest thing I had experienced in my life...and so I decided to go down the non-medication path...I have found CBT to be quite helpful although very challenging, and being able to talk through things seems to help too (touch-wood!)...

At the moment, I am trying to get through my fear of medical treatment as I have very bad teeth and I need to have quite a few extractions done (this was from a fear of cleaning my teeth!!).... I am petrified about having treatment done...I get horrendous shakes when I have the local anesthetics that include adrenalin in...and although I have found a dentist who is very sensitive to the needs of nervous patients...she is still trying to steer me towards having those sorts of injections...This is because you bleed less with this types of injections I think...

I find the whole idea of treatment very overwhelming and I have lost confidence in my ability to cope with things...I can't even type what exactly my fear is..in case it makes it real!!..
It is really effecting me at the moment and I feel very down about it...to the point where I have been thinking the unthinkable because I am just so scared at having all the treatment done...

I am too scared to go down the road of sedation or a general anesthetic or taking valium etc. because of my fear of any kind of medical treatment and what effect it has on me...Also I am a control freak!!...So I hate the idea of being unconscious or somehow impaired sensory wise...I don't even drink alcohol because of similar fears!!...

I have had 3 small fillings so far...but I have to have at least 4 extractions, possibly more...and several root fillings...I did get through the fillings...but I felt rough afterwards...


12-03-10, 01:07
Hi FluffiGirl

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

12-03-10, 03:05
Hi FluffiGirl. Welcome aboard the NMP train.

Im sorry you have to have dental work done.. Are you having CBT at the moment? Working on perhaps your fear of the work itself AND your fear of being sedated? I could sit here and tell you how good it would be if you could at least take valium but I'm not going to disrespect your fears that way. You need to work on them yourself with a professional. I am very glad to hear you have a dentist who is understanding, it helps a lot doesn't it? :)

Try to remember you DID get through the fillings and you CAN get through the rest. It will be tough but you CAN do it. Have you tried herbal remedies to help?


12-03-10, 09:15

Have you enquired about sedation? I too have alot of work to be done, and am petrified like you, shaking, cant keep still. I have had sedation twice now, and its brilliant, Im waiting for another referal at the moment, to do four fillings.

You proabably wont remember anything, come round in about 30 mins and they let you go (this is IV sedation)

12-03-10, 09:17

Sorry I did not read the bit where you said about sedation.

12-03-10, 16:38
Thank you for your replies...
....And yes...I am having CBT..well I say having; my old psychologist is currently on maternity leave, so I'm waiting to see how I get on with my new one...I have an appt. in 2 weeks time....
The understanding dentist that I have found doesn't actually use sedation...so if I did decide to go down that route (the thought of which completely scares the pants off me atm!!) I would have to look around for another dentist....

Thank you all for your support and encouragement...:hugs:

12-03-10, 16:48
Hi there

Your dentist would have to refer you to a clinic that does sedation.

Your not out for very long, Ive had two extractions out, dont remember a thing. 30 mins and then went home.

I think its a form of valium but stronger and a little needle in your hand, I was gone within probably 10 secs. My partner could have come and sat with me, but he hates the dentist too, lol.

There is a long waiting list though.

Im waiting to be referred again so they can do the 4 fillings in one go.

I know how you feel, its awful to feel like that.

margaret jones
12-03-10, 16:50
Bless you i dont like dentists but we need them sometimes .The being out of control is a biggy with me to so meds and anesthsia is a horrid thought but last yr i had a op without anything and it was horrid and made my panic/anxiety worse , so if i need anything else done it is sedation for me at least i will not know what is happening so cant panic .

It is a difficult one for you but i am sure you will get through it ok

Take Care Maggie

Veronica H
13-03-10, 11:00
:welcome:to NMP Fluffygirl. This is a friendly site with great support.
