View Full Version : something esle to worry about

12-03-10, 02:03
Hi guys,have been woken up tonight(or this morning I should say-as it's quarter to 2 in the am)by a dull pain between shoulder blades and a feeling of wanting to burp.I panicked big time as it's always an indication that something isn't right and from what I have read in magazines etc it could be related to the heart.I haven't got any pain in my left arm,I don't feel breathless,clammy or sweaty and I don't feel sick.I went on our friend google and it came up with dyspepsia,gallbladder disease and gerd problems so I am feeling rather confused now.I did have a bit to eat before I went to bed,ie a couple of sandwiches(small and on wholemeal)and a few cookies(2 to be exact).I am worried though that's it's connected to the ticker as I do suffer from terrible nerves,anxiety and stress and take beta blockers-1 a day.Should I pop to the quacks or what?I am getting sick now of sprinting off to see them as I feel like a hypochondriac,I have just got the all clear from the hospital regarding a suspected melanoma on my toenail and now another symptom has raised it's mush I am totally fed up worrying about my body.

12-03-10, 02:16
I get pain there when I'm having a gall bladder attack. Try to drink something fizzy to try to burp. You probably ate something that disagreed with you and backed up your gall bladder.