View Full Version : Frightful Throat

12-03-10, 09:58
My throat has been sore for a couple of days and my ulvuva (the dangly thing) In my throat is red sore, my tonsils have a white supstance on them, my throat midly hurts when i talk or swallow but it feels a little closed up. My main worry is that ive had these white/red blister looking circles on the back of my throat for as long as i know and i can never tell what they could be but they have been there for ages and they look a little red than usual. Also the left side of my throat (the back wall) looks more lifted than the left side. Could there be something underneath there? Like :scared15:cancer..! :ohmy:

Could anyone help me with this, i also have a rash on the inside of my thigh.. it isnt really invisible but when its touched it itches like crazy! I dont know what to do. :unsure:

12-03-10, 10:09

Am no expert but sounds like it could be tonsillitis, you should go to your GP as it needs looking at.

My daughter had endless bouts of it. But like I said, can;t diagnose on here, so please go to your GP


12-03-10, 14:31

I used to get tonsilitis very frequently until they finally removed them a couple of years ago. My symptoms were always *identical* to yours. They are also common symtoms of a throat infection.

Please don't worry, just go to the docs and they'll give you some antibiotics - I'd bet anything that this is not cancer, honest!