View Full Version : Persist ant headache migraine

12-03-10, 10:47
I have had a daily headache for 20 days out of thirty and a migraine headache 3 days out of thirty, and I think I will get my 4th today!

I am getting so fed up with these, and I have other health issues like weight loose, I lost 10-20kg in the last year, I have lost all my appetite and feel sick most of the time.

My GP just puts everything down to anxiety and dose not want to do tests. I am going to see my GP this afternoon, again, how should I approach her so that something is done? I feel sure I have a brain tumour.


12-03-10, 11:53
Does you rdoctor exam you at all?

I think they are pretty good at knowing which are the ones to follow up, I've known a couple of people who have had Brain Tumours (it was one of my obsessions a while back) and not all of them got headaches but those that did had skull crushing headaches with vomiting that happened in the morning and went away during the day only to return at night. I'm talking "need to go to A&E" type headaches!!

I think the red flag symptoms for BT are things like seizures, muscular atrophy and cognitive deficiencies.

You GP should at least be doing a physical Neuro examination (reflexes, strength, sensations) and looking in your eyes for pressure changes.

12-03-10, 11:58
hi i think you should ask for them to look into your bad heads they have lasted a long time dont take no for an answer

12-03-10, 14:09
Hi Peter - I answered one of of your other threads. I think this migraine is combined to your other health issues like your inability to not eat.

Your body can have very little minerals and vitamins in it to function healthily.

I think you need to push to see a dietician / therapist about the eating issues and then I think gradually the rest will fall into place.

Good luck x

12-03-10, 17:45
Just thought I would write an update to my visit to my GP today.

The upshot is that she does not think my symptoms are that of a brain tumour, more likely a complicated migraine. These could be triggered by stress. She wants me to try amitriptyline for a month to see if they help to prevent the headaches starting. She said like others here that brain tumour normally do not cause headaches as they first or only symptom, and the type of head pain I am describing is not common with BTs. She also said that BT headaches are normally present in the morning and get better during the day, plus bending can make the pain worse.

She also said that the Optician who I saw last week and I mentioned the head pain to would be able to see swelling in the optic ring (?) at the back of the eye and that was fine and that in it's self was good.

She weighed me and although I lost weight last year I had not lost any more in nearly a year, and considering I am eating very little is also a good sign. She is going to get me an appointment with a nutritionist about my eating habits. I see my GI doctor in April, and said to mention my symptoms, plus headaches to him.

She went over the letter from my neurologist from a year ago when they found the legion which says, Peter has also written to me worried that perhaps the brain scan might be harbouring a tumour. At the moment the small area of abnormality does not look like a tumour at all. It looks much more like either a inflammatory or ischemic area. If of course Peter had an extension of his symptoms rather than improvement then we would want to repeat the scan.

My GP is happy that my symptoms at present do not show that I need another scan. She wants to see me in three weeks if things are no better.

So it looks like a diagnosis of complicated migraine possibly caused by stress? This was my Neurologist diagnoses when I had a similar chronic headache about 7 years ago.


12-03-10, 19:33
I get migraines and one sided facial pain, been threw all the tests found nothing. I often wonder if it is me doing it, anxiety or muscle stiffness in the neck/back area. with actual migraines I can usually trace it back to diet like too much sugar, too little sleep, or fake sugars like splenda. If I sense one coming i ice the back of my neck it helps!!!!
Good Luck

12-03-10, 23:33
hi peter i had headaches for 4 months last year and i didnt have a brain tumour .........i did demand an MRI though and it was clear. Dont tell yourself you have a brain tumour because the stress will give you more headaches.

try your hardest to think yeah this is likely to be anxiety and simply tell your GP you want an MRI to be sure.

all the best

17-03-10, 17:13
i suffer from migraines too and they do make you feel so ill.

mine is due to my cycle, too much chocolate and being at a computer all day long.