View Full Version : health anxiety is my demon

12-03-10, 13:33
hello every peeps!,
just registered here as i am suffering with health anxiety, have done for 4 years and quite frankly need some likeminded support and laughs to help me along. my particular problemette is that i fear that every lump, bump and sensation must be cancer. i get that sick feeling to the pit of my stomach and get lost in the fog of fear. it has, am embarrassed to say, got to the point that when i have a wash or bath i get so worked up as i have to have contact with my body and find every lump going and assume the worst. i am at my lowest ebb although try to look on the bright side (which makes a change from the dark side of google and its evil words of doom, am sure if i put a search in for a carbuncle on my bumcheek i would come away thinking i have the c word!) anyway, it is taking over my life to the point that i have to force myself to quell my monkey mind and do something nice for myself. it would be sweet to have contact with others going thru the same as my family and friends try to understand but am sure they think i have two heads or summat! two heads, wonder if i should google it?!!! sorry to make light of it but feel embarrassed about what i have become, i used to be so strong and happy, and now feel weak and downright miserable. take care hugs to all xx

12-03-10, 13:35
Hi baldrick

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

i love tea
12-03-10, 14:55
Welcome Baldrick! Your post could have been written by me... :hugs:

Just wanted to say that I completely understand where you're coming from. My husband is so lovely about it but I know he thinks I'm a bit of a loon :blush: I can also completely relate to the getting undressed / having a shower anxiety - I get changed as quickly as I can and use one of those exfoliating scrubby things in the shower, so I don't have to touch myself and so I'm not tempted to start feeling, poking, prodding...

I've just started some counselling sessions, so I'm hoping that will help. Have you looked into trying CBT or anything like that?

Take care x x x

Vanilla Sky
12-03-10, 21:28
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

Veronica H
13-03-10, 10:54
:welcome:to NMP. Many here can understand how you are feeling.
