View Full Version : Back Problem

12-03-10, 15:20
woke up this morning and got out of bed.

Felt pain in my lower back. It got progressively worse and now im in bed. I can barely walk.

Disc? Trapped nerve ive no idea. :ohmy:

12-03-10, 17:40
i have upper back discomfort everyday when i wake up. it subsides but is always there like a weight or mild pressure feeling. it's the same in the lower back but it gets better when i sit down or feel relaxed. it could be some kind of problem in the tissues near your spine/thorax or something, due to lack of conditioning or long-term bad posture.

see a doctor, get some x-rays and such, do it asap. good luck!

12-03-10, 18:13
Sounds like a disc to me , ive suffered terribly with back probs and have arthritis in lower back now and hip, best advice is to take some anti inflammatories if you can, and see your doc if it gets progressively worse or isnt clearing up x

13-03-10, 04:33
I think you should concern to you doctor or any physiotherapy so you can get good results.

13-03-10, 12:05
If you find out could you let me know......... would save me a trip to the docs! mine sounds exactly like yours and now I can barely move!


Try resting and try to keep the spine straight and not slouched ..Ibuprofen or ibuleve gel rubbed well in the affected area .Heat pad or hot water bottle might also give relief .If you dont feel its any better after a couple of days call the Dr ..I hope it feels better soon .:hugs:Sue x

13-03-10, 12:11
Thats great ..always works wonders for me too ..Dont overdo it for a few days ...Sue x:D

13-03-10, 12:18
:roflmao::sign20::cloud9: Sue x