View Full Version : Shygirl says Hi!

10-01-06, 14:29
Hi...:D can't believe i haven't got round to introducing myself yet! Ahh! i been here long enough now!! whoops! only just got Broadband the other day though (Atlast!!) WHOOOOOOOOOPIEE! So I can now spend more time figuring it all out! Anyway a bit about me...I'm still in the grip of terror..as i see it..although i have decided this is my year to do something about it and get better!! I have been suffering in silence for long enough..for about 6 years since i left school i have done absolutely nothing and just shut myself off from the outside world...don't get out much (if i can help it!) I am starting a young persons therapy group TOMMOROW though!! Wahey!! I've only been waiting a year for it!!!! GRR! But i do hope something will come good of it...although as usual i've been worrying my little head off bout it!;)..one of my specialities along with avoidance!! But i got through my last Anxiety management group okay! So i'm sure i'll get through this too! I love chatting here..it's been a saviour for me to talk to others feeling the same..i just can't believe it's taken me this long to find you all!! But you're all totally smashing peeps & now i've finally managed to do this...i hope to do more! :) Take care now...Lots of Love Lisa (aka shygirl!) x x x

**A Hug Is The Best Drug**

10-01-06, 14:31
Hey Lisa,

Welcome to the site, glad you introduced yourself!

Take care,

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

10-01-06, 14:38
Hi Lisa,

Welcome to the site hunni, hope your young persons therapy goes well hunni.

Keep positive hunni its the best way!

keep smiling hunni

kym (aka Kitty)

10-01-06, 14:38
Hi Lisa and welcome to the forum. Hope to speak to you soon!:)

Hope you are well!

Take Care



10-01-06, 15:43
Hi Lisa

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

10-01-06, 16:23
Hello Lisa and welcome officially

Glad you have decided that its time to make changes and go with the therapy group.

Common Symptoms of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms)

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

10-01-06, 16:38
hi lisa!welcome to nmp!i hope this site helps u as much as it helps me!take care and keep smilin:D luv mooxXx

10-01-06, 18:14
Hi Lisa

Welcome to the forum

Pennie x

Fear is static that prevents me from hearing myself. ~Samuel Butler

10-01-06, 18:31
Welcome :)

Well done for sounding so positive!!

Annie x

10-01-06, 18:54
Hi Lisa,

welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac XX

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

10-01-06, 19:16
Welcome to the site Lisa.

10-01-06, 19:17
Hi Lisa

Lovely to see that you posted at last and a warm welcome aboard.


10-01-06, 19:44
Welcome aboard!! :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

10-01-06, 23:44
Hi Lisa, you are officially here now, lol, welcome. xxx

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx

10-01-06, 23:57
Hiya shy
nice to see you on the forums as well as in chat, havent been in there for yonks- damn uni work, but hopefully will see you in there soon! Good luck with your group therapy session, let us know how it goes
take care
Alice xx

11-01-06, 20:15
Alrighty well i dunno where i should be doing this..but here seems okay! LOL Wanted to thank you all for your replies and your much needed support as i am going through the thick of it right now...I attended my first Youngs persons group therapy today! Was good(ish) umm was a total anxious wreck but i see it as a small step forward i went and i conquered! haha! (sorta) Somethin positive happening anyway see how it goes! keep u updated!
Luv to All
Lisa (aka shygirl!) x x x x

**A Hug Is The Best Drug**

11-01-06, 20:30
Well done Lisa for going to the group and staying.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?