View Full Version : Having a good day and then CRASH!!!

12-03-10, 21:00
Was having a really good day had a job interview that well, wasnt nervous and thought brilliant.. here we go new start
then bang all afternoon i have had a constant tickly throat and cough every couple of minutes, want to clear my throat with only minimal mucus. Have been clear of my cold for a couple of weeks.. So not that.
Now i just have something else to stress about, thought i was finally getting back on track (despite sunday happening - my 1st without my mum) now i think i have something sinister, especially as my chest is hurting (even though i know thats coz all the coughing)
I am sick of feeling like this, just when i think i am getting back on track
i fall back to feeling pathetic.

Life sucks sometimes

12-03-10, 21:13
Mel you are not pathetic hun :hugs:

We often get little coughs for no reason and they clear up very quickly.
Don't beat yourself up for something that is outwith your control.
Your mums anniversay will be playing on your mind to and all these things will be contributing to how you feel.

Try to get some rest. Do something nice for yourself like a long soak in the bath and a nice movie.

Thinking of you


13-03-10, 12:01
:hugs:when we are anxious our throats can get very dry -

simply because we are breathing more quickly (hyperventilation)
then we get the 'cough'
then we worry about the cough
then we become more anxious
then muscles tense
then chest hurts
then more fear.
You know it is a visious circle - you know you have been under pressure
Was having a really good day had a job interview that well, wasnt nervous and thought brilliant.. here we go new start
Consentrate on that you did really well - you should be proud of yourself - do as Bottleblond suggest and pamper yourself:yesyes:
Best wishes

13-03-10, 15:09
Hi Mel
I find that a sress can kick off HA. You had job interview and propably felt stresses about it (even if you thought you weren't nervous). This probably triggered tha HA, cough etc. It is a vicious circle that needs to be recognised:winks:

14-03-10, 19:25
Hang in there man!!! You'll be fine

15-03-10, 08:35
since got worse over the weekend, aches and then fainted this morning!
nice lump on the side of my head!
ha is in overdrive now.. i am going to die now surely?!

15-03-10, 09:31
Hunny you probably had a lot of adrenaline build up throughout the day and when you calmed down your adrenaline stopped and your anxiety kicked in. You did really good though, to go for a job interview and all!! Be proud and try not to let this ruin your time. It was JUST a minor issue, you can wake up tomorrow and be back on track. xx

15-03-10, 12:06
How horrible for you. There are bad days, and then mega bad days. Be kind to yourself today...let your shoulders drop and take in some deep breaths...sigh and tell yourself its a better day today.
