View Full Version : teeth op tomorrow very scared

12-03-10, 21:38
I have to go into hospital tomorrow to have some teeth removed under general anaesthetic and Im very very nervous :weep:

I have been anxious but ok all day but now its come time for me to get my bag ready and things like that suddenly its just all hit me and I'm a quivering wreck.

I have had a couple of ops before so I don't know why I'm so nervous as I should know by now what to expect. The main parts that I am worried about are the bit when my husband has to go home while I wait to be called as I will be all alone with my fear and the bit where they put me under. I hate that floaty feeling you can get when you know the stuffs in your system as theres no going back. Im getting upset just thinking about it :weep:

Because I know that Im going to be filled with anxiety when they put me under Im worried that something bads going to happen because I know my heart rate will be high. I really wish I could cancel it and not have to go :weep:

pussy cat
13-03-10, 00:56
you poor thing - i feel for you but i,m sure all will be o.k.i would be exactly the same-tell them when you get there how anxious you are & can they give you something - good luck,be thinking of you :flowers:

13-03-10, 01:09
awww poor you, i would be same. i very nervous also

good luck, im sure you will be fine

mandie x

13-03-10, 09:35
Yes, they will give you a sedative if you are anxious and the anaesthetist will speak to you before your op so you can tell them about any fears. They wouldn't give you a general anaesthetic if there was any chance that anything would happen, believe me. Everyone is apprehensive before an op so you are not alone. All the best and let us know how you get on.
Myra :hugs: