View Full Version : Confirmation needed this is Anxiety i'm feeling

10-01-06, 15:06
As some people are already aware i have had high levels of Anxiety over the past year and suffered quite bad with DP/DR.
What i just wanted to ask is that i have had this horrible feeling of just going about my daily routine at home and at work with a sudden feeling of just being an object like not connected to a beginning or end to a day somehow. Its really hard to explain and very frightening/extremely horrible to experience. I know its still early days at my new job and i know i'm nervous and tense when the boss is about worrying if i'm talking to much or pleasing her etc (quite old fashioned woman about 55 and never smiles). I don't know how to deal with this horrid detached feeling . Any ideas peeps? Much appreciated Thanku Suz x

10-01-06, 15:34
That defn sounds like anxiety to me... I seriously get the same feeling. Its very scary. I think the best thing to do is know that it is just a sensation. Anxiety is wonderful at creating scary sensations for us. But, we must remember that while sensations are scary, they are not harmful... This feeling will pass...You arnt really detached from reality... you are just having a scary yet harmless sensation. Try taking breaks, and going to the bathroom to splash your face with cold water.

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"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance... When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance"

"This too shall pass..."

10-01-06, 18:06
I can totally related to that as I suffer from DP/DR so badly that I feel like I am really going mad. It feels as though I am doing things but though nothing around me is real.....hard to describe but very very scary.

Annie x

10-01-06, 21:08
been there too hun, totally anxiety! your body makes itself go into another place (in your mind) to protect yourself from danger (anxiety). I had this even when i wasnt feeling anxious, made me scared even more. but if you think of anxiety as a monster, trying to get you down any way it can, think of this experience as another thing your monsters trying to get to you! keep calm and try not to let it get to you!! i hope this makes sense. kim it does get easier! :Dkeep smiling

11-01-06, 08:17
Thankyou all for your supplies its very kind and reassuring Suz x

11-01-06, 08:18
Sorry all i meant replies (lost it for sure eh lol)

12-01-06, 18:26
supplies hehehhehe

15-01-06, 03:29
Hi Suz,

I didn't get depersonalisation til I started taking Prozac, which also made me feel very aggressive too, so that was doubly scary.

I've had all this for 3 years now and I do have to say that overall I am feeling better, though still not right. I've recently been feeling like I might be winning the battle and when I've felt anxious I have challenged it, but the power of it scared me and I ended up feeling really panicky. I was driving a forklift truck at work last week and I suddenly got the sensation that I was floating around inside my body. My first instict was to make a dash for the door, then I felt like I had to grab onto to something to steady myself. In the end I ended up driving round in circles for about 5 minutes!! The good thing though was that it passed very quickly and I didn't feel too bad afterwards.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

15-01-06, 11:23
It's definitely anxiety, probably being made worse by your worrying about the symptoms (which is almost impossible not to do). Are you getting treatment for your anxiety?