View Full Version : pregnant and anxious

13-03-10, 07:43
Hi there i have suffered with health anxiety for the last 3 years or so it is horrible as i imagine your all aware. I have 2 children age 12 and 6 but 2 years ago i lost a pregnancy at 16 weeks pregnant ( baby's heart just stopped i have no idea why) and it made my anxiety through the roof! i am now 26 weeks pregnant and my mind is playing tricks on me, i have become obsessed with washing my hands so much so that my hands are sore im convinced that im going to spread germs to my baby and it will do her harm, Am i being silly surely my baby is protected inside me and everyday germs will not be passed on to them?? someone make me see sense or give me good advice i am driving myself crazy!

13-03-10, 09:26
Hi there,

I lost a baby recently too and I imagine that if I am lucky enough to fall pregnant again I'll become really obsessed and frankly a nightmare to live with so no, I can't say you are being silly. Your fear is completely understandable after going through something like that.

But, as you seem to know yourself, it's very irrational. Your baby wont be hurt by germs on your hands etc. Sorry to be a little crude, but your digestive system is quite close to your baby - certainly closer than your hands are - you'd think that if they could catch icky things from you, it'd be from there!

Did you ever get any counselling after losing the other child? I've just started and believe me, it can be a huge help.