View Full Version : Breathing issues?

13-03-10, 08:04
I'm having some breathing issues lately, not being able to get a full breath, which is worse at night when I lie down, to the point where last night I had to open the window wide to let the oxygen in.

My breathing also feels 'out of whack', that's the best way I can describe it. Like it's not happening naturally sometime

I'm 90% sure it's anxiety but of course I'm focussing on the 10%!!!!

Does anyone else get this?

13-03-10, 08:13
Yes, I get this sometimes. It is awful but if you practice the breathing methods, I think you will find some help on NMP or you can look on-line for yoga breathing techniques, they teach you how to take long slow breaths and to breathe correctly. I found them very helpful and each time I feel that I can't fill my lungs properly I follow these techniques. Also there are lots of books that you can read, Dr Claire Weekes and another one is by Dr Aine Tubridy, all of which were recommended in posts on NMP that can help teach you how to breathe properly. In the Aine Tubridy book there is a CD and it is very relaxing to listen to and to get the breathing correct.

The more you panic the harder it is to get that breath in, easy to say I know but I tell myself to just relax and practice the breathing.

Hope some of this is helpful to you, but there are lots of people on NMP who will help you with this.

All the best to you

Jannie x x

13-03-10, 09:29
I got this symptom again after many years of it disappearing. Because I was stressed again. It's tension in your chest muscles and as Jannie said, breathing techniques can help. Always remember that you will always get enough air. It's your chest muscles, not your lungs, that are affected. Controlled tummy breaths help because they give your chest muscles a bit of a break to relax!! If it becomes very distressing for you then your gp can help you with something given for a few days until you can relax a bit again. Please try not to worry too much about it. It's a really common symptom suffered by many.
Myra :hugs:

13-03-10, 09:38
It a common hyperventilation or overbreathing symptom. When you breath is your mouth open or closed. By keeping your mouth open you are breathing in too much oxygen plus any allergens you breath in stay in your lungs for 120 days compared to 12 days when you breath via nose. Look up butekyo method of breathing or a book by Patrick McKeown called "close your mouth". I am currently attending his clinic with my son for asthma and it is amazing what hyperventilation can cause. If you are breathing in excess of 12 breaths per minute it is classed as overbreathing.
I also used to get that air hunger feeling and it is uncomfortable but not dangerous. But by slowing down the breath it will be relieved. Nice slow breaths in and out and pause for 5 seconds and repeat.
Take care

13-03-10, 13:30
Wow is that true??

I am a mouth breather especially at night because my allergies ensure my nose is always blocked. An ENT doc suggested a turbinate op but I'm scared to have it because they put you to sleep for it.

13-03-10, 13:48
I'm the same skippy, but I use the strips across my nose at night, very flattering!, but they do help. I too have an allergy problem and I use a nose spray that the Dr prescribes for me which helps. Don't forget to try the breathing exercises, look on You Tube, that's what I did and they talk you through them.

All the best

Jannie x x

14-03-10, 12:03
You should definately look at the butekyo site. If you put in that name you should get the irish site or asthmacareireland will get it for you. There is loads of free info on it that will help. Allergies are another symptom of mouth breathing - the nose catches most stuff via the hairs from going into lungs, the mouth doesn't. But look up the site, it will show you how to unblock your nose etc so you can breath through it. It does work. I have my last session with my son today and he has started to improve already. Taping your mouth at night is suggested to correct the problem of breathing during sleep.

15-03-10, 15:22
Taping your mouth at night is suggested to correct the problem of breathing during sleep.

lol if I taped my mouth at night I would be dead by morning of suffocation!!