View Full Version : boredom feeling

13-03-10, 09:52
hi guys I'm new to this so bear with me. Does anyone ever have a feeling of boredom or emptiness??? Thanks

13-03-10, 09:56
I constantly feel empty inside like I'm missing something, very anxious aswell, somebody please tell me you feel the same as I can't cope much more with it, I feel so alone.

14-03-10, 13:15
i get it too :( like i have nothing to do and i feel unneeded. like im wasting away

14-03-10, 13:32
I'm glad someone else has it so i know im not alone, its an awful feeling:weep:

14-03-10, 13:36

Know the feeling all too well! Some nights I find I can't even settle down to watch the TV and just try dozing.

That said, the CBT folks will tell you that feelings follow behaviour. So when you're ok and on a level keel try scribbling down a list of short things that need doing or you'd like to do even if it's just reading a single article in a magazine (Country Living does it for me I dream of keeping chickens :-). Then when things are bit empty get out the list and doing one even if you don't feel like it. Then give yourself a big tick and a very large pot of tea!
