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View Full Version : Good news - citalopram, lithium and CBT

13-03-10, 11:40
Hi Everyone,

I posted here a while back saying I was going to see a psychiatrist about getting into lithium. My moods were yo-yo-ing from OK to absolutely psychotic. I was drinking too much, having angry outbursts and felt anxious all the time.

I first went to the psychiatrist about six weeks ago, who told me to halve my citalopram dose to 10mg. I was very angry at first because I was expecting to be put on lithium. However, I started to feel much better. I stopped drinking so much, and, although I still suffer from acute anxiety, my moods are much better. I saw the psychiatrist AGAIN on Thursday, and he said he'd noticed an improvement. He's referred me for CBT and put me back up to 20mg because I still suffer from poor concentration and I still don't enjoy things I normally love because of my depression. However, I'm so pleased with the result. I finally feel that, after nearly three years of being on citalopram, things are finally on the up. I've also been advised to do moodgym.com whilst I wait for a CBT appointment.

Thank you for reading this. After 3 years of darkness, I'm finally seeing light at the end of the tunnel :)



13-03-10, 15:52
It's always good to hear people recovering and getting better. I've been on my antidepressant now for nearly 6 months and it's taken a LONG time to help, so patience does pay off in the end.

It's also good that you're starting CBT.

Good luck and all the best for your continued recovery.

13-03-10, 22:47
Thanks for the words of encouragement! I know it's a long road ahead of me, but I'm just so glad something is FINALLY being done after years of being pulled from pillar to post by the NHS!!!