View Full Version : Hi-anyone had to go back on citalopram a 2nd time?

13-03-10, 14:10
Going back on Citalopram and am scared....anyone else out there like this? I was first on Citalopram 2 years ago & came off it in feb of this year. Had a few side effects but all was well. However the past week or so ive had a huge crash (mainly brought on by a job change & money issues) and ive had serios panic attacks, and bouts of depression. My dad took me to the walkin centre this morning and i was prescibed diazipam for the anxiety & i have to start 20mg of citalopram tonight - im terrified!!! Im in denial(i think) and im worried i will lose my job. But main issue is the damn side effects. Has anyone been on Citalopram a second time & not suffered as much with the side effects???? Thanks xxxx

13-03-10, 14:14
Hi sarahlouise35

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

13-03-10, 14:22
Hi Hun. You are doing the best thing to help yourself at a difficult time in your life. I can't remember my second time being different to the first but ofcourse as I am sure you know, we all react differently. All I can say is go with the flow, allow it to help you and have no expectations other than it will help, thats why you have been prescribed it. Try as best as you can to be open minded about it. I know it's hard! Good luck.:)

13-03-10, 14:56
You've made the first step by accepting you feel bad again and getting help. You can only get better from here. If you had the meds before and they helped you then I'm sure they'll do again. Maybe the diazepam will help with the side effects? It'll be worth it for you to feel better again. If the meds really don't work out then there's always others you can try. I took meds many years ago and was very fortunate not to have any real side effects at all, apart from a vague headache. They helped me tremendously. Good luck and keep us posted.

13-03-10, 14:59
Hi, not been on it twice but have had an increased dosage in the last few weeks from 20mg to 40mg and feel not too bad. The first few weeks on 20mg were not so good, heightened anxiety and some other side effects, but going from 20mg to 40mg I've only had a few little blips. Into my 4th week now on increased dosage so hoping that at about the 6 week stage will feel that much better again. It took about 6 weeks for me to really notice feeling better on the 20mg then after 3 months was upped to 40mg.

As others have said, you are doing the right thing, getting help when you need it and I find that Citalopram have really helped me. I hope all goes well for you and there are always people on here who will help you with whatever you are worrying about, really been great for me.

All the very best to you

Jannie x x

13-03-10, 17:08
Hi, If you didnt have much in the way of side effects the first time round you should be o.k this time. I found it best to take 10mg to start with and then increased to 20mg after a couple of weeks this meant I didnt suffer with much in the way of side effects. Good luck with it. Let us know how you get on. Jo

01-04-14, 10:11
i advice you to stay away from benzo and if u can antidepressant too. if u can fight it urself would be better,dont go back to the poisons,the second time they took me to hell.

22-04-14, 19:34
I have been put back on citalopram first given 20mg then had a major anxiety problem brought on by a trigger and was upped to 30mg I have been on 30mg for 4 weeks and am starting to feel much better but this has only been in the past 4 days. Have managed to cook again, walk my three dogs by myself, gone into a supermarket by myself for the first time in 2 months. Still tremble in the morning but at 10am I do meditation from an excellent app which I dont think I can mention and after 10mins of meditation the trembling starts to subside.

Someone once told me something interesting about medicine. When a person with high blood pressure is given medication by their doctor they usually stay on it for life. We do have a problem and citalopram helps the anxiety so why do we feel the need to come off as soon as we feel better? Hold on as I am holding on awaiting CBT and counselling hoping that along with the citalopram there is a way out for me