View Full Version : Fed up with myself.

13-03-10, 14:26
Started a job as a dinner lady lasted two weeks and had to quit due to my nerves/anxiety....

Fed up with it :weep:

13-03-10, 15:01
It is hard but what you have to be proud of is that fact that you had an interview & started a new job even though you have anxiety....Carry that thought forward and you will succeed!

13-03-10, 15:02
Don't be so hard on yourself. I would imagine being a dinner lady in the middle of a chaotic lunchtime wouldn't be the calmest job in the world if you were anxious!! Maybe you should wait until you feel a bit stronger. You won't always feel like this.

13-03-10, 15:35
Thanks guys...

Yeah I have to say it wasn't the calmest of environments but I thought I would manage with it being just one hour a day......but no unfortunately.

Regards x

13-03-10, 15:41
I think the age of the children didn't help it was mainly with year 6's some with a rather large attitude and hormones running wild....lol.

The school has been very good and offered me a relief job covering holidays and so forth with the younger ones reception through to year 2. I am wondering maybe this would be more up my street?

Any advice please?

13-03-10, 15:41
That's right, probably not the easiest job around....pretty stressful even if it was just an hour a day. Don't be harsh on yourself, at the end of the day you did well to land the job :)

Keep at it, you'll find something that is suitable in no time.


13-03-10, 15:43
at least you tried thats great

13-03-10, 16:16
Thanks guys x

13-03-10, 16:37
aww babe im proud of you ! at least you tryed thats all that matters ! i have had a bad couple of days i wish i could just fel normal xxx:(