View Full Version : panicing about lightheadedness

13-03-10, 15:54
hello all
as them who read my past post will know i been worry about brain tumors

i just keep getting lightheaded and feel like every time i get happy or forget about it it comes twice as worst feel like going to pass out

i feel like got really bad head tension at the back my head like some one try to pull my head back
i want to go out tonight but am worried i pass out and make a show of myself:weep:

sorry for going on but feel like a let down

13-03-10, 16:12
I've been suffering from lightheadedness for four years, I've also had three CT scans that show up nothing. I've had that constant feeling of passing out but I'm going to ask you the same question that my therapist keeps asking me, Have You Passed Out Yet?

My answer being NO!

I, like yourself, worry about the same thing but you just have to work against it. It hasn't happened yet, so what makes you think it will happen now?

Try and go out and enjoy yourself. What do you have to lose?

13-03-10, 16:38
I know that feeling only too well. I have lightheadedness and strange head feelings lots of times. In fact I'm light headed as a type this and have just been doing some house work and thought I was gonna pass out, but I didn't. This happens a lot and then I start to panic. Oh how blooming horrible this is! I'm on medication for anxiety/panic but I really hope that one day this feeling of faintness stops!! Head pains and lightheadedness are the bits I hate the most about this anxiety. Oh to feel 'normal' again :-)

All the best to you

Jannie x x

13-03-10, 17:04
thank you bellabel, jannie

nice to know am not alone

no i not pass out but when i'm space out and dizzy sometime think am going into a coma sounds odd
my friend told me not to worry and he got my back

13-03-10, 20:33
No your not alone,,,had the light headed-ness for years 2 i think, it was all part and parcel of depression and anxiety. I know how you feel it's not nice,,,some times you have it for 3 or 4 days running and then other times it vanishes for 3 or 4 days.
Do you suffer from depression or anxiety???

14-03-10, 01:19
i get both mate my mum past away nearly 3 years ago and i miss her deeply

i went out withmy friend had great time few lightheaded shot headpains but didnt let it bother me

14-03-10, 06:07
i get this too. everything goes a bit wobbly for a second or two.i hate it.

15-03-10, 11:10
I find the lightheadedness, dizzy, woozy sensations are the worst part of anxiety too.. Sometimes its a fleeting feeling which I cope ok with and then another time it feels like a pressure and I go nauseus with it for a few seconds.. Its the feeling after though that destroys your confidence. Just the will it happen again feeling which takes ages to go away.

I went through a bad phase of it 10 years ago. It was explained to me by the doc that tension in the shoulder/neck area can cause it and also other things like sinus probs. .Recently going through another anxiety stage, the lightheadedness came back. I found that moving my head or shoulders in a certain direction bought it on, so there i go with the tension again

15-03-10, 12:03
I have been getting this almost daily since about late September. Like everyone, sometimes its constant and other times fleeting. It feels so horrible and the fear is of blacking out

15-03-10, 15:56
I had this but I cured it. Here's how:

Go out into your garden every day and spin round on the spot 10-15 times quickly. You'll probably fall over the first time and feel completely dizzy. It doesn't last.

By deliberately causing the symptom you are facing your fear and it is the fear that causes it in the first place.

I became unconcerned about dizziness/lightheadedness and guess what? The episodes all but stopped.

I still get them but they don't scare me