View Full Version : Daughter is ill, virus?

Cell block H fan
13-03-10, 16:03
My daughter is hot, headache, feels sick & aching all over. But no cold or cough symptoms.
My dog had vomitting & the runs yesterday, I was asking in here if we can catch their illnesses. I'm sure my daughters is just bad timing & something else!?
She is 13 by the way. Have given her kids Ibuprofen, 4 x 5ml spoons (over 12's dose) she cant swallow pills. Hoping its just a short virus. Anyone had what sounds like this recently? If so, how long did it last?

Cell block H fan
13-03-10, 20:17

My son has had something similar this week, Was sick one night and then had temperature for 2 days. He was aching with pains in his legs and headache and neck hurting. No cough or cold symptoms and now has upset tummy but feeling much better. He was unwell for about 4 days.

I hope you r daughter feels better soon.

Lolly xx

Thank you hun :hugs: She picked up a bit about 4.30, the Ibuprofen kicked in I think. And she asked for pizza, so off I trot round the take away. A diddy Margerita for £3. They dont deliver those. I dosed her up again with meds at 7pm. So far so good, its got rid of the symptoms a bit so far. Expecting a wakeful night though.
I didn't expect to get any replies! I try & post replies to people 2 or 3 times a week on here, yet for some reason ive noticed I rarely get replies to my questions. On the verge of giving up on here. I am HA free the last few months but still check in to lend some advice to people sufferring but it only seems to go one way.
Thanks again for your post :flowers:

13-03-10, 21:16
Hi .just seen this thread .It really sounds like a virus to me ..My son used to get this a lot when he was growing up..Never had many colds tho ..It was always temp ,aching limbs and feeling sick ..I used to put a clean bucket next to the bed with a small drop of water and disifectant in it. Just in case he felt sick in the night ..Saves a lot of midnight cleaning ...yuk Keep on giving the ibrofen ,Unless her temp gets too high or she develops any other symptoms ,Im sure she will feel better in a couple of days ..Hope you dont end up all night and she feels a lot better tommorow ..Luv SUE X:bighug1:

14-03-10, 13:37
How is your Daughter to-day ? C.b.h ....Sue x

Cell block H fan
14-03-10, 20:03
How is your Daughter to-day ? C.b.h ....Sue x

Thanks for your post, yeh she is not too bad. She was awake at 5am. I could hear her tv on, so popped in to see how she was & she was a bit hot she said, so gave her some more meds. She went to sleep again about 6.30 & woke up at about 10.30 feeling a bit better. She is eating ok ish, not as much appetite, but shes reseting a lot so probably not hungry. Seems to be just the headache & temp today, so have been giving her medicine about every 4 hours.
Hoping she is back to normal by the morning as she has school. She had a couple of days off 2 weeks ago with a migraine, which she tends to get every month, so they are not going be happy if she is off tomorrow too! eeekkk.
Fingers crossed :hugs: