View Full Version : How long does citalopram take to work?

13-03-10, 17:02
Hi, anyone know how long it takes citalopram to work? Have had an increase on Tuesday, and when will I feel the full effect? Thanks.

13-03-10, 17:38
Usually around 6 weeks. This thread may be useful for you http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=71011

13-03-10, 17:40
That's something I'd like to know also. Was on 20mg for 3 months, went up to 40mg 3 weeks ago, do feel better but am hoping I will start feeling a lot better in a little while. Took about 6 weeks for the 20mg to really start to notice difference then after 3 months went up to 40mg and am hoping that it will be about 6 weeks again before I feel the full benefit.

Hope you soon start to feel the benefit. What mg are you on and how long in total have you been on them?

Jannie x x

13-03-10, 19:24
thanks for the response. I'm on them about 6 mths now 30mg but just gone up to 40mg during the week so am hoping that they work soon for me.

ally b
13-03-10, 23:24
HI there teegra,i had been on citalopram 20mg for 5 months,in some ways i though i was getting better, but the panic attacks and the anxiety was still there. \Just a week ago i was given 40mg cit,and 40mg propranol,although iv not taken any propranol(beta blocker) i can honestly say i do feel a hole lot better.Yes i still feel the anxiety,butt i realise that that is down to me and the way i think,gotta get out ov the way i was thinking.

Meds are trail an error.Be honest with yourself and your doc.Any changes in the way you feel good or bad you need to say.:)