View Full Version : Greetings

13-03-10, 17:02

Since I've been lurking for a fortnight or more so I thought I'd best do the proper thing and introduce myself, and more importantly thank NMP for being one of the most supportive Internet forums I've ever known. Believe it or not the Internet is up for this year's Nobel Peace Prize and this site exemplifies the reason why it may win.

Fortunately, my problems have been mild; long term mild depression which I've only just seen the doctor about after the recent report saying depression was becoming more of a concern than major physical disease. My doctor's popped me onto 20Mg of Citalopram with fortunately few side effects, save for the some dysfunction in the bedroom area. My wife fortunately is very understanding, and sees it as an excuse to have longer cuddles!

Finally, thanks must go to Mr Martin Barr, who's sense of humour lifts the day.


13-03-10, 17:04
Hi oneofus

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

13-03-10, 17:05
Hi Nick

Lol.. that's a lovely first post and it's lovely to meet you.

Welcome along :)


13-03-10, 21:04
Hello Nick

Glad that you have found the forum useful.

Yes, these meds can have an effect on sexual performance although I've had no major problems.

Welcome to NMP