View Full Version : Feel so Low

13-03-10, 18:42
Sorry Guys! not sure who else to talk to, feel really low today. Left breast is really giving me jipp. Not sure how to describe it but it feels wierd and get random pains. If I dont use the cream the doc gave me it starts to itch as well. Spent all this morning googling but now have deleted all that and decided google can not help. I have been to the docs three times already in the past two weeks and I think I will have to go again as it does not go away. Can stress really do this to me?

13-03-10, 18:49
Hello there :D
I'm really sorry to hear you're down! I've been there before a lot and I know exactly how you feel :weep: And it's great that you stoped searching through Google, it can only make it all worse. And you don't have to be afraid: I believe that stress can really cause this type of symptom. But if you don't feel confident enough about it, maybe you should go to a doctor so you can calm down :)

If you need to talk, I'm here to listen if you'd like! Sometimes is good to just take the things out of our chest. But I really hope you get better! :hugs:

13-03-10, 20:21
I have really experienced this and it is down to HA. I am new to posting here (read my thread - all about breast!)
I had a worry about my breast then started to get stabbing pains, burning, tenderness etc etc. This went on for weeks. Have recently had a worry about the other breast and guess what....stabbing pains started in this one. I now think that I was so focussed on the area that I felt pain that perhaps wasn't really there? I am obsessed with a lump in my groin at the moment and my groin really hurts at times - think this is more HA than the lump as have 5 docs check it over the past 6 months!
HA makes us feel all sorts of aches and pains. You have to trust the doctor with your breast - they know what is normal etc. Also, with all myy nreast problems, hormones create all sorts of changes and pains. xx

14-03-10, 13:20
Thank you for your replies, I am trying to have a better day today and not focus on it. x