View Full Version : Vertigo

13-03-10, 23:15
I have just come back after singing in a concert. All went well apart from me being unable to climb the staging. The conductor was very understanding and allowed me to stand on the floor. I can't sit in the theatre very high up. I get tingling in my fingers and I feel as if I am falling fowards. I would rather pay top price tickets than sit in the gods. I'm the same in the Albert Hall. I just can't do it and feel such a fraud. I've stopped flying because of vertigo I usually have to put my head down and shut my eyes. I know my meds exacerbate the problem as I am on lithium and this afternoon I very nearly needed a valium. I feel sad becuse I know that I could overcome this. I am not sure if I could overcome my fear of heights. The tingling feeling starts and then I begin to fall fowards.

14-03-10, 01:26
Hi ElizabethJane, can't really offer any help, just some sympathy. I waited nearly 30 years for a singer my husband and I love to much to come back to Scotland and when he did, the whole thing was nearly ruined by having to sit on high-up temporary outdoor seating. I had to try so hard not to freak out in case husband killed me - luckily I felt a bit better after the place filled up but I couldn't risk the loo all night because I knew if I went down I would never go back up. I also love football but can't go to the bigger stadiums in case I end up stuck in some scary high-up seat and can't drive on high bridges - it is so restricting :lac:

Have you asked your doc if there is something you can take from the point of view of counteracting the lithium side effect. I take Serc (betahistine) on and off for dizziness but haven't put to the test with the height thing (because I avoid them, of course :doh:)

14-03-10, 04:07
like jane c cant really offer much help , just sympathy, its so restricting, im fortunate that i can do planes and flying , although claustrophobia is the problem i have with them,:ohmy: but i agree on seating , i too would pay for the more expensive tickets than be stuck in the gods.
On a lighter note, very impressed and jealous that your a singer :blush:, wow, i would love to be able to sing, have often thought about having lessons, but i think i am beyond hope :)

ps, tried to pm you but your box is full..

P x

14-03-10, 08:23
Hy Elizabeth Jane

I think you are very brave in the first place singing in front of people, I struggle to speak in front of a few people when anxious.

I used to be a steel erector (many moons ago) and working at height was no problem. But since I was struck with anxiety I find working at height now difficult because if I am up ladder or on a roof I start to feel dizzy and spacey.

I wonder if it's vertigo or just anxiety or if anxiety can = vertigo?

I agree with Jane, it might be worth having a wee word with your GP to see if it is your meds causing it/making it worse, and if anything can be done.

But well done for getting there and singing, you should be proud of yourself :)


14-03-10, 15:50
Thank you for the replies. I have tried to clear my inbox to make room for new messages. I will ask about the vertigo and my meds when I next see the docs. I can go on an aircraft but the vertigo puts me off and I need to renew my passport. I sing in choirs mainly and don't sing many solos. It is mostly in Churches and last night in our local cathedral. I do get nervous and was quite anxious but that all melts away when I start to sing. We have another concert next Sunday( different choir) but that will be in Church with no staging. The next event is Good Friday(another choir) and we join with two other Churches to sing. The next big event with my small choir is a charity event at Ingatestone Hall. It is an indoor event so no staging there either. I felt embarassed as the conductor had made an exception for me so nobody challenged my position in the second row. Thanks once again for your understanding and support.

14-03-10, 23:46
It's good that the conductor made an exception for you. It is awkward and embarrassing being scared of heights though.

I get vertigo. Suspension bridges, escalators, shopping centres, tall buildings, all sorts of situations. It seriously restricts what I can do. I feel sick and frozen to the spot and like I'm falling. It does seem to have got worse along with my anxiety. I find it is worst if I am lacking sleep, I get very bad vertigo then.