View Full Version : anxiety in the night!

14-03-10, 03:15
Just woke up very suddenly with a real sense of unease.I am getting this a lot and don't sleep well at the best of times ,so it is really affecting me at the moment,I have ME and not getting enough rest is making me feel worse. My heart felt as though it was beating irregularly and I just felt as though something or someone had woken me up.My husband was flat out and my daughter and the cat so god knows.I have been hearing noises in the house for a few weeks,and I know this may sound quite irrational but the feeling of not being alone shall we say is strong.Most of you on here will think that it's all in my mind but I really feel strongly about this and wish I could shake off this feeling.During the day I don't get these spooky feelings probably because the house is filled with light and everyone is getting on with the daily routines but at night when everything is quiet and the house is dark then-yeah I know the spooks will come out and dance-lol.I know this sounds daft guys and I am probably imagining it all but I do dread the nighttime,let's all live it up in the am that's what I say.

14-03-10, 10:13
There is something about the hours of darkness isn't there? Your house will make noises during the night owing to the fact that normally that's when the temperature drops so therefore things will creak and cause noises that generally we don't hear during the day because we are normally busy doing things to take much notice.

Don't forget that even at night there are still plenty of people up and about, police, firemen, ambulance, hospital workers, night shift workers everywhere etc. I even noticed the milkman coming round at 1.30 am last week! The fact is, we are not the only one in the world at nightime, it just seems like it!

14-03-10, 17:21
Dear M I experience all the feelings that you describe and I don't suffer from ME. I also suffer from nightmares and sleep walking. I am to have some hypnosis in April which I hope will get to the root of my sleep problems. My husband often works away and I will resort to sleeping pills plus set my alarm to get up for work. If necessary I will sleep with the light on. If you have sleeping pills then I would use them occasionally. If you do wake in the night put the light on get yourself comfortable and warm. I will try to settle by not going downstairs but will sometimes make a drink and a hot water bottle and watch some night time tv. My cat is a dreadful bed companion she always makes me think that there is someone on/ or near the bed so cat stays out. I have caught myself sleep walking downstairs but at least I could challenge myself (in my dream) and I woke up. I hope you find something that works for you but don't get het up if you cannot sleep.

17-03-10, 13:06
Cheers guys for your advice,the cat will have to stay I'm afraid as she is quite old and needs to be kept warm,we have another one but he is a tom and very young so he is in the utility room out the back.I woke up last night feeling very anxious again but I forced myself to stay in bed and just put the light on and read my Clare Weeks book for a while and I calmed down.I think I will always have an issue with sleep as ME can affect the individual in this way.Hope you all are well and thanks again for replying.