View Full Version : In Pain :(

14-03-10, 11:15
Apologies for the long post but I hope that someone out there can give me some advice please.

I had my son in July 2008. Towards the end of my pregnancy I started getting a strange feeling under my right upper rib cage sort of tingling and then my heart felt painful. Drs said it was to do with the way baby was lying etc. After I had him the pain never went away infact the pain which I had felt to be in my heart moved down as my tummy went down to under my upper left rib cage.

I took myself back to the Drs and they said it was muscle strain and referred me to a oestopath. Well hundreds of pounds later I was still in pain so back I went. I then tried hypnotherapy as the Drs decided it was post natal depression making me feel this way and a year ago I was in hospital for anxiety and post natal depression. Still no improvement to the pain which I knew wasnt in my head.

After much moaning and groaning by me the Drs did several blood tests all of which came back normal. Then I got an ultrasound of my abdomen, x-ray of abdomen, dye contrast to visualise my kidneys. All clear for gallstones and my major fear my pancreas (my dad died of pancreatic cancer at 47) was declared to be one of the heathliest pancreas he had seen for a long time. Ovarian ultrasound, chest x-ray and endoscopy. They found a hiatal hernia and some gastritis and put me on Nexium. Which only served to upset my stomach. Following this I had a colonscopy which my consultant could not complete as my colon was such a twisted shape. He took biopsies and gave me the all clear any way.

I guess what Im asking is does anyone have a clue as to what may be causing this pain as Im at the end of my tether and still cant get the pancreatic fear out of my head. The pain feels like its in my ribs aswell on the left side now and Im getting more and more stressed.

Thank you for taking the time to read :)

14-03-10, 11:49
A possible clue here is the fact that you say your colon is somewhat twisted. I'm wondering as to whether you have a touch of IBS to add insult to your injury? IBS suymptoms are not restricted to the areas that most IBS related websites say. As most on this site will probably agree, IBS can give you discomfort almost anywhere in the abdominal quadrants including chest and back. Just a thought.

14-03-10, 12:42
I know what you are going through, it is the same for me. What you have described is what I experience too.

It was mentioned to me here that the pain could be due to your hiatas hernia. A doctor also confirmed that could be the case to me but I am not sure to be honest. I am hoping to get an appointment tomorrow and I will mention this hernia with him, along with pancreas becasue I too am concerned about that.

14-03-10, 19:32
Some women experience chest joint inflammation. Its called costochondirits. The joints between your ribs and your sternum. It can move between costochondral joints. It is common between joints 2-5. It can come and go but it is benign. The pain is real, but it is harmless. Might be worth a read.

15-03-10, 08:10
Thank you for the replies I certainly think that it could well be the case with the IBS as Im always stressed. I will make appt. with GP and ask about the rib inflammation aswell. Thanks again much appreciated great to feel that Im not alone in this :)