View Full Version : Too scared to go to work

10-01-06, 20:39
I have been having a really rough week this week. I have to leave for work in one hour and I'm so scared, I don't see how I am going to get through the day. In my job I work closesly with people and I don't want them to know I have panic disorder. (while i'm typing this my hands are shaking so bad i can barely tap the right keys). I'm so scared people will find out today, as I'm not sure I can keep it under control. My head is so sore, my neck so stiff and my vision so blurry I can barely keep it together. I am so scared I am dying (seems silly to worry about what people will think when it feels like you're dying, but oh well. So sorry about ranting and i feel guilty because i know this is a negative post but i'm just so scared....wish me luck and hopefully I'll be back with a more positive post soon. Thanks

"This too, shall pass"

10-01-06, 20:57
Hi chelle
I am sorry that you are having a rough week.
You said some things that I used to tell myself all the time. What if people find out that you have panic. I used to worry about that constantly and then I thought - Well what if they do? No one is perfect and what do I care what they think !! I also still have the scared of dying thing every now and then and it isn't silly. It is really scary but just keep telling yourself that it is only (if that isn't enough - lol) panic and it will pass.
And don't you dare feel guilty about being scared and needing some reassurance. That is what we are here for to support each other. Just stay busy at work and try to take your mind off it and you will be fine :)
I will be sending lots of (((hugs))) and positive thoughts your way :)


If the world didn't suck... we'd all fall off :)

10-01-06, 21:53

I hope you have amanaged to get to work today and perhaps now you are there, feel better.

There is certainly no need to hide your panic attacks, in fact I think telling work colleagues helps you both in a psycholgical sense and in a practical one.

You may even find a colleague who has or even is suffering similar and you can gain mutual support.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

11-01-06, 00:11
HI, hope your day went better than expected, once i told people I felt so much better, take care,xxx

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx

11-01-06, 08:21
The way you are feeling is all because of the way you are breathing,
when you feel panic take some nice "slow" deep breaths.

count 3 in and 3 out
and to really slow it down count 3 in (hold for 3) and 3 out.



11-01-06, 10:24
Hi Chelle
I can relate to all you're experiencing. I've told all my collegues that I'm "mentally ill" and then explained the situation after they stop laughing.
I've had nothing but support from them.

Don't believe everything you think.

12-01-06, 01:21
Thank you all so much for your support! I had a rough morning but by afternoon my panic had subsided and I drove home feeling very positive and excited about being able to post that I got through my day.

As for telling people about my panic, I work in the mental health field (it's funny, just a mechanics car is always in the worst state of repair I am a "mind" mechanic and my mind is in a terrible state:D)
and I think it's important that the clients I work with on a daily basis don't know about my own problems in order to maintain boundaries and ensure they have confidence in me. It's silly but in the past when I have told a workmate that I have panic I feel like I'm giving into it, like if I can deal with it myself I'm not letting it run my life. (If I was talking to a client and they said these things I would advise them of the opposite, but I can't seem to do the same for myself)

I think it's great Phil that your collegues are so supportive, and also Alexis, I think it was very brave of you both to tell them.

To Ray and Sandy, thank you so much for your kind reassurance and support. And Mirry, thanks for the advice x

"This too, shall pass"

12-01-06, 09:54
Hi again
My doctor suffers both depression and panic and is on more medication than I am. She's quite open about it and thats why I go to her.
I know she understands it from my side not just from books like the non- sufferers.

Don't believe everything you think.

12-01-06, 14:20

Really well done for going, staying and doing so well !!

I told some people but not all when I was acute and those I did, after picking themselves off the ground, were great


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-01-06, 23:12
i know how you feel mine started at work, 2 years ago, i did leave and now im not to bad, i do have the odd day or too but mainly if i have to go some where , where i cant get out of the pleace, this is when i panic if i can move into another room im not to bad, but it does get better but takes time. i dont think i will ever feel as bad as what i did when they first started, this is what i tell myself. karen