View Full Version : Is this just Anxiety again or am i ill?.....................

14-03-10, 11:40
Hi Guys

Not been feeling great for a few days now i have ibs and i take peppermint capsuales for that and also lanzoprozole for acid in my stomache

For the last about 3 days i have felt proper unwell my ibs horrible colicy feeling is back when i eat i have constant backache and my hips and legs ache too i went docs last tues because my left ear felt weird and i had pressure in my face i still have it he said it was viral rhino sinititus and told me to put olive oil in my ear because i had alot of wax and take pain killers when needed but they don,t help

i now have since yesterday afternoon acid in my throat my back is very stiff as is my neck all up to the back of my head my throat at the front feels stiff and my chest muscles feels tense my arms and legs are stiff even my fingers and toes hurt im so tired feel worse when i get up than when i went bed need to wee alot too please help people anyone ever felt like this and it just be anxiety? all i can think about is ending up at the hospital i am so scared :weep:

14-03-10, 11:52
yes scaredcaz it is anxiety im like it at the moment and i have ibs and im worried about my periods at the moment finished it 5 days ago and still spotting do you think this is anxiety or my hormones im 43 im so fed up with worrying about my health but yes i can assure you yours is anxiety

14-03-10, 11:58
Me too scaredcaz, I've had days like that. Today I have a pain in my hip, down to my knee and calf, headache and tenseness!! I too am sick of feeling like this but I am convinced this is all my anxiety. I just try to relax and not worry about it. I've rubbed so much creams into my knee and hip and have now taken some pain killers to see if it goes. I don't often suffer with IBS but my friend has it for days on end and I feel so sorry for her. She gets pains everywhere with it, nice!

I do hope you will soon feel better and that you can try to relax.

All the very best to you.

Jannie x x

14-03-10, 12:08
hi Both

Thanks so much for your kind replies

bronte it could well be hormonal might be worth talking to your doc i am sure there is a blood test they can do to check that i do often think though that us who suffer with this anxiety are so in tune with our bodies we feel every hormone change whether it is before or after a period i hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Hi Jannie thanks so much for your kind woeds especially in my last thread that was very nice to read :hugs:

I am so sick of feeling like this even when i am well i am in fear of feeling like this again i might go back docs tomorrow but i am worried they are sick of me :weep:

14-03-10, 12:15
Don't worry about going to the Dr's, that's what they are there for. My Dr always says to me that my illness is as important as someone who has broken a leg or any other illness, he is always so kind to me. Just let him know how you feel, and I know it is easy for someone else to say not to worry, but please, I am sure you are fine. We have a lovely sunny day here in Kent and that always makes me feel a lot better :-)

I know what you mean though, about being sick of feeling like this. I think every day, please let me have a day where I don't worry about some ache or pain! That would be wonderful. I start CBT on Wed evening, and see if that can get my mind round this blooming anxiety.

I wish you all the best and try and enjoy your day.

Jannie x x