View Full Version : vitamin d defiencey

14-03-10, 12:00
hi all
would like to know if anyone else has ever been defiencent in vitamin d:)
i've had my bllods done,mri's and endoscopy to try and find why i'm always soooo nauseous
the bllods came back as defiencent in vitamins b-12 and d
i was reading a magazine last night and it said that if you're low in vitamin d it can cause cancer...i'm totally freaked out now
would be grateful for any advice
many thanks:)

14-03-10, 12:45
a lot of long term prisoners get that it can be lack of sun light dont worry

14-03-10, 13:26
ive got vb12 deficiency and i take folic acid everyday and have injections 3 monthly it can be treated try not to worry xx

14-03-10, 13:28
If you are low in Vitamin B12 it's called pernicious anemia and treatment is injections of B12 every few months in the bum. It has to be done as if left untreated can cause a whole host of problems. http://www.medicinenet.com/pernicious_anemia/article.htm

Vitamin D definciency is usually from not getting out in the sun much as vitamin D is found in the sun. You can get vitamin D capsules which I take as I don't get out and about enough.

14-03-10, 13:34
i have my injections in my arm and they think it was caused by diet more than anything

14-03-10, 13:47
Oh right, sorry Amanda. Just someone I know with it has it in her bum every 3 months so that's what I thought people had.

I want testing for it because I have a lot of the symptoms but don't want to have to ask for it. My Dr thought I was anemic because I was really pale but my iron one came back normal

14-03-10, 18:33
they prob give it to people in different parts cat, what symptoms are you having that makes you think you might have it

15-03-10, 23:12
I had constant nausea and weight loss that started back in November of '09. Long story short, I had duodenitis (which may have been viral or stress induced) and my gall bladder was functioning at 6.9% (normal is 50% or higher).

I had my gallbladder removed five weeks ago and although I do take a PPI each morning and a digestive enzyme with each meal my nausea is slowly disappearing and I think I gained a pound or two.

I'm not contradicting what others have said about vitamin deficiency, just pointing out that my personal experience came from a different angle; of course in the end it may have been anxiety that led to the duodenitis and the finding of a malfunctioing gallbladder!

I feel for you as I know firsthand what constant nausea for weeks/months feels like. Good luck!

16-03-10, 10:35
they prob give it to people in different parts cat, what symptoms are you having that makes you think you might have it

I'm tired all the time, really pale, dizzy spells, feel sick all the time, palpitations, achy, slightly forgetful, periods suddenly got more painful etc. It could be many things but someone told me to get checked for it to be on the safe side. My Dr thought I was anemic I was that pale but that came back normal