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14-03-10, 15:08
Hey there,
Well sort of long story short, I have suffered with GAD for about 3 or so years... it has fluctuated and I thought it had disappeared, however over the last few weeks it has got very severe, to the point I'm almost house-bound now. I think I am probably going to lose my university place this week, however I recently got engaged, and shall probably move back with my partner and do a distance learning course.

It'd be very beneficial for me to speak to others who experience the same things, as I often feel very alone with this, or that people don't understand - I worry it frustrates my family and partner, but they are very supportive.

I also have emetophobia and IBS, and part of my anxiety symptoms include tight throat, nausea, loss of appetite and other such things, so it obviously escalates my panic.

I am currently pursuing the avenue of medication as well as CBT, self help, relaxation and finding a hypnotherapist privately.

Anywho yeah, I'm friendly and 21, enjoy video games, sometimes have pink hair, have a cute little rabbit and study photography!

Look forward to speaking to you all more.

14-03-10, 15:09
Hi mumble

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

14-03-10, 19:20
Hi mumble,

Welcome to NMP:welcome:


14-03-10, 19:53
Hello Mumble

I hope you find the site useful and feel better soon.

Welcome to NMP

Vanilla Sky
14-03-10, 21:20
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

14-03-10, 23:07
Hi Mumble, Welcome to NMP.

I too am a GAD sufferer - I wrote this introduction in late 2008 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=39299) and although some aspects have improved I still have a long way to go. GAD is very insidious and looking back you might see hints of it in character traits going back even further.

Sorry to hear you may lose your course - can you pursue a Dr's Certificate or anything? At the least a copy of one of those might help if you need to reapply for a place or funding to carry on in a later year.

It can be very frustrating when we can't seem to change things. I agree about feeling alone with the illness - its often hard to those who've not suffered it to understand the physical symptoms, feelings and thoughts that we suffer, even when they are very supportive people. I also find I (and others?) need a careful combination of sympathy, support and cajoling to hold us up and move us forward. It can be a real struggle if those around you "press the wrong emotional buttons", although it sounds as if you may be fairly lucky on that score.

Happy to exchange sympathy, discuss symptoms and ideas and compare notes in forum posts or by PM if you prefer.

15-03-10, 11:38
Thank you everyone for the lovely welcomes!

Alias_Kev, I appreciate that, thank you for the support =)