View Full Version : Feelings of unreality, detached

becks xxx
14-03-10, 17:56
Hi im new to this xx ive been suffering with anxiety and panic attacks for months now and tbh it's recking my whole life.
ive literally become house bound, stopped socialising and going to skl becos im too scared of wat could happen and when i attempt to do something i think about it so much and get myself so worked up i become like distant. I feel detached, tired, unreal and allsorts! But today is really weird, i don't only feel detached from myself i feel detached from everything!!!!!! so weird, does anyone else get this?

14-03-10, 23:29
Hello Becks

I think it'd help if you went to see your doctor and explain the way you're feeling, especially if you're skipping school and feel withdrawn.

It could just be a phase but if it's been going on for months, it looks to me as though this needs looking at. You don't want to be feeling like this - it's horrible.

Have you spoken to your parents about this? They may be able to help if you talk over how you feel and they can go with you to your GP perhaps.

Welcome and hope you feel better soon.

15-03-10, 02:13
hi becks..xxx i know how you feel really..coz i do have anxiety myself and i feel so detached from everything like for a coupla seconds i feel like i have no memory :S feel like blanc..i know it's difficult to explain this weird feeling but it's true and it's a usual symptom for anxiety. my a dvice to you is just to calm yourself dwon when you feel this and then try to think posivetily and reasonably and tell yourself that this is only anxiety and it won't harm me..coz it is harmless i have been suffering this for a quite some time now maybe started last july and got worse in ugust, sep, oct, and december and then subsided coz i've been ignoring this nasty feeling..try to ignore it and distract your thoughts hon..you are not not not alone belive me i know it's soo scary but it is completely harmless :) you will be fine believe me just distract it and don't let it take over you..you can do it i know!!

hope you feel better hon xxx

15-03-10, 22:29
I too feel for you Becks as I have had those feelings on and off for the last four months.

After tons of doctors and tests, everything has come back normal except for the fact that I had my gallbladder removed (what a coincidence huh).

For me, I think my medical issue (gallbladder) caused so many smyptoms that I started fixating and imagining the worst scenarios which in turn caused anxiety and depression.

As I heal it is looking more and more like anxiety was (and still is to some extent) causing my fear and feeling of detatchment, fatigue, unreality and the weirdest random thoughts. Even though I have had only one session so far my psychotherapist explained that a lot of these mental symptoms can have their roots in anxiety and/or depression. It might be that I have a form of Agoraphobia but the jury's still out since I've only just started therapy.

My advice is to take each day one step at a time, find some activities to distract your mind, exercise if you can and get some blood work done to rule out chemical or hormonal imbalances. Good luck and God bless!

rachel marie
15-03-10, 23:34
becks i feel everytink you just said its like im reading my own post. and the unreal fealing is the worst i cant explain it but it realy scares me.

15-03-10, 23:35
Man I'm going through the same stuff right now so your not alone! My best advice to you is distraction, that usually works for me. I know its not the long term answer but when I feel bad I try to distract myself and then I forget about it and it goes away.

30-05-10, 19:10
Hi Becks

I have had that feeling too, it felt as though i was in a dream and i wasnt really there. Its so weird and it really freaked me out, i just had to lie down for a bit and it went away, hope you have been to the docs so they can try and offer you somethin to help. It will make it worse if you are isolating yourself. Try to keep busy. We must fight these and not let them take over our life. Easy said than done i know.


20-11-10, 13:51
Hi becks

i have this feeling too, like im going mad, or am in a film or alternate reality. the worst one is when i start to panic that im actually dead and a ghost going about my day (crazy i know!).
i think a lot of the worries about mental issues are similar to worries about physical issues - having chest pains doesnt mean your having a heart attack - similarly having "busy" thoughts or being spacey doesnt mean your going mad. it'll get better!
trust yourself, and i find doing practical things helps.


20-11-10, 17:53
yeh i feel like this alot your not the only 1 just get on with things and it really goes down =] hope this helps

23-11-10, 19:31
ive had these type of feelings for years and get them everyday you think your not yourself and imagine the world isnt real and its just a dream its like you want to detach yourself from your body so everything will be ok i just try to concentrate on something even though it causes me a great deal of anxiety im hoping one day it will go away, its probably a side effect of my long term stint of agoraphobia.

23-11-10, 20:42
Hi becs, :bighug1:I too suffer this and feel it is my worst symptom, one I find the hardest to ignore and really is taking over my life. On the plus point, I have had this before, it did go for over ten years , so there is def light at the end of the tunnel ( just can't see it myself right now!) xx

23-11-10, 21:11
Hello Becks,

I know exactly how you feel. I had them for years, and missed loads of school because of it. You need to find something that might distract you and make you feel real again. For me, I went back to reading books I had read when I was much younger. They distracted me, made me feel safe and so I stopped detaching myself.

Hope I've helped a little bit.
