View Full Version : Starting dose and side effects for Citalopram

14-03-10, 17:56
I have posted similar elsewhere but think it was in the wrong place to get the most responses.

I have been putting off starting Citalopram for possibly 6 weeks now because I am so scared of feeling worse and having side effects. I have depression and panic attacks (normally health anxiety related).

I have been prescribed 10mg. I have heard a lot of stories about horrific side effects and huge weight gain and increase in panic attacks - I don't know if I could cope with those...although I know I am not coping as it is.

What I want to know (to encourage me to start) is what dose did you start on and what side effects did you have and for how long??

If you know anyone who can answer could you point them in this thread's direction as well please?

Thank you xxx

14-03-10, 19:38

Take a look at my post It was quite similar to yours. You might be better off moving you post to the citalipram forum, and having a nose arond there.
Hope you find what you want


14-03-10, 20:16
I hope you found the citalopram threads, scorpion...but just to let you know that I started on 20mg, I had some side effects but, like you, I was already feeling awful. I've found that the side effects, which didn't last and which you may not experience anyway, were far outweighed by the benefits.

14-03-10, 20:59
To be honest it's best not to dwell on the bad side effects, just try and dwell on the fact they might not have hardly any side effects! I know easier said than done, right?. It can all be very scary can't it,,i know.. I'm on all sorts of strange meds!!
But the upside is you have to think how would i be without them??? There are horror stories but it does not mean you will have any of them, hope this has made you feel better,
Regards Redrainbow,,,

14-03-10, 21:11
It's so worth taking them cos they will help, the side effects do go away and you come out the other side feeling so much better. Like others have said, you might not even get the side effects, some people don't.

All the best

Jannie x x

15-03-10, 08:22
Thanks everyone, thinking of starting on 5mg once I have this essay out of the way so tomorrow. See how that goes. I really hope I don't have side effects or that they aren't as bad as I am expecting them to be.