View Full Version : New to this and need some support!

14-03-10, 19:18
Hi everyone. I just joined the site and I'm new to health anxiety. It started about 5 months ago. I was admitted to hospital with some chest pain and a junior doctor told me that I had a heart attack. This turned out to be a wrong diagnosis, but since then I have been constantly preoccupied with my health. It is becoming a nightmare and I feel like I'm going crazy. Every ache and pain has become a symptom. It has begun to interfere with my relationship with my wife, and my ability to enjoy life in general. I would like to hear some of your stories, and coping mechanisms.



14-03-10, 19:32
Hi Tapo

When we get a scare like that we can become fixated on the problem. Being told you have had a heart attack if enough to scare the b'jesus out of anyone. There are many reasons a person can have chest pain from trapped wind to stress/anxiety. Because we have psyical symptoms we automaticly think it's something serious but the majority of the time, it's not.

It's a case of try to put things into perspective and think logically. NEVER google health symptoms either as it tends to throw up the worst case scenario rather than a logical reason.

Have a wee read at the health anxiety information on the forum as it may be of help.


Welcome along to NMP and i hope we can be a good support to you.

Take care

Vanilla Sky
14-03-10, 21:19
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x