View Full Version : Stiff Jaw!!! :(

14-03-10, 19:40

I've been having trouble with my jaw for a few days maybe, definitely been worse today! :(
When I got to eat, I feel like I can't open my mouth all the way. :( O.O
Because of my Hamster bite a few weeks ago, I'm worrying about Tetanus.

But I have heard that it can be symptom of anxiety, especially if I've been grinding my teeth, which I don't know if still I do than, but I used to when I was younger...

& My neck & shoulders feel really stiff too...
Does anyone else get this?

14-03-10, 19:57
I've had exactly the same for quite some time now, I also have slot of tension in my neck and shoulders too. I am having Botox in my jaw muscles at the hospital next Monday to relieve the tension I'm my jaw. It is a horrible feeling but yes anxiety can cause this so the consultant tells me.

14-03-10, 23:00
Thanks for the advice.
Just been to brush my teeth & it was really uncomfortable! So much so I had to rush back upstairs because I was having a panic attack over it! I didn't want to freak out in front of my Mum! I've done enough of that & today is Mother's Day! :(
I'm convinced it's tetanus :weep:
No sleep for me tonight :(

15-03-10, 10:08
TMJ is a disorder of the temporomandibular joint that causes inflammation and incredible pain of the join. This pain can radiate up into the ear, face and neck, causing tooth pain, headaches and stiff and sore jaw muscles making it hard to chew or open the mouth.
The temporomandibular joint is the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull. This is located right below the ear. The TM joint is the most complex joint in the human body because it's the only joint that moves up, down and left to right. Because of this, this joint can become weak and damaged leading to this disorder that causes extreme pain.

05-09-10, 19:43
is tmj serious? is it harmful

05-09-10, 19:47
no its not serious just really painful. Your dentist can get you a mouth guard to stop you from clenching your teeth in the night which will in turn relieve some of your symptoms xx

05-09-10, 20:02
would tmj mean that when you yawn open your mouth etc it really hurts and you cant open your mouth all the way? would it effect ur cheek bone makin it tingly n numb. these problems are freaking me out it just seems to be on the left is this normal? x

06-09-10, 07:16
yeah they are symptoms of jaw clenching, have you got a dentist? they can diagnose it easilyx