View Full Version : nuclear war, weird I know

14-03-10, 23:35
hm well we were talking about the cold war at uni and I looked it up on google, watched a few youtube videos, stupidly watched bits of that film "Threads" (out of interest and curiosity). the stupid thing is I am now terrified of this actually happening today, and it never quite leaves my mind. Even at the cinema today I was silently worrying about it. What if it did happen, would it happen, it's such a horribly scary thought :( makes me want to go home and be with my mum just incase it does happen (I'm eighteen).. it seems to be on the news a lot right now? Just needing to speak to someone who knows what they're talking about and can maybe reassure me a bit :weep:... its not good as I live next to a busy airport and every plane leaving terrifies me :(

16-03-10, 06:14
I watched a movie once where the moon broke up and the gravity on earth was all screwed up. so now my biggest fear is that the Astronauts or someone will **** around with the moon and then there will be no gravity on earth and we will all be sucked in to outer space. and then of course the story gets worse what if i'm inside and get stuck and the rest of my family gets sucked out... and the story gets worse and worse.
This is exactly how everyones anxiety works its just this is the thing you have fixated on. You need to learn to cope with the thoughts, someone else r ecommended setting aside 5 mins a day to worry about things, and then put is aside for the restof the day. I would also suggest this, it has helped me with some big issues.

Hope that helped.

16-03-10, 12:41
I understand what you mean.. I used to look something of interest up on the net and then follow links etc and end up on some totally bizarre site with all sorts of conspiracy theories.. They went from the sublime to the ridiculous..Eventually I learned how to backtrack and discovered that many sites use scare tactics to sell and make money.