View Full Version : Need some advice for my symptoms?

10-01-06, 21:38
Hi all

Hope you had a Happy New Year!

I havent posted in awhile but need some support just now it possible as have been feeling like crap lately again...

I suffer a lot of neck/shoulder/head/jaw pain due to a TMJ problem which I am presently wearing a splint for to help with the symptoms. This is helping a lot as if I forget to wear it at night, I do feel very dizzy, jaw pain, neck and head pain etc etc etc...

However, over the 2nd part of last year I felt I was getting lots of funny little noises and sensations in my head and all on the side of my jaw problem. I am not vey good at explaining these sensations but over the last few months I feel like I het little squezzing pains which feel hot and make me feel dizzy when I get them. I feel I can hear a little clicking noise on this side a lot. Just very strange symptoms to be honest and over the last few days I feel my tongue feels weird and I thought I was having a stroke. These sensations pass after a minute or so, therefore I think maybe its just anxiety?

I feel very vague and as if my neck is in a vice and my neck and shoulders just feel tight. My whole upper body just feels weak sometimes. Could this be due to tension or something else?

I have mentioned these symptoms to my GP and again because I have had a MRI scan almost 2 years ago they say its nothing to worry about and I saw a Neurologist in November, he basically said my symptoms were somatic and caused by my anxiety.... I have also told the TMJ specialist and he said because I dont get these symtpoms all day everyday then its nothing to worry about as it will just be TMJ issues!!

I feel I am going off my head and maybe I am just making them out to be worse than they are... but I feel the dizziness and weird sensations in my head are more prominent now but where do I go from here? I feel If I go back to my Gp I will be branded a nuisance? I have tried massages.. maybe I could try a chiropractor?

I do feel stress makes these symptoms worse and to be honest I have been gradually feeling more anxious and stressed over the Xmas and New Year period, just like most people. I have been really worrying about my health again and I feel the 'fear' of health problems has got a grip of me again.

Does anyone understand these symptoms or had something similar?

Any help would be appreciated.

Take care


11-01-06, 10:04
Hi Sadie

Happy New Year to you too.

I have suffered a lot with neck and shoulder pain and also left sided chest pain, sometimese it hurts even when I do something as simple as folding clothes as I am using my shoulder muscles.
I put all this down to anxiety, sometimes I panic and it causes health anxiety depending on how stressed I am.
I have also had weird feelings on my tongue and noises around my ears such as clicking and whistling and whooshing, especially when my anxiety was acute.
When I am distracted my symptoms go completely so now I try and usr mind over matter when they come back and it really does help most of the time.
Hope this helps you chuck.

Take care

Elaine x

11-01-06, 18:23
Thanks Lainey,

It probably will all just be anxiety related as the symptoms come and go throughout the day. I just feel like I cant break free from my anxiety though. I go through periods of feeling relatively ok and then I feel I am back to square one again.

Thanks so much for listening though.

Take care


11-01-06, 22:19
hey there
im new to this site and noticed your post and the symptoms you described.
i have a lot of trouble with my neck and head.. ill explain..

numbness down one side of my face aswell and neck pain in the same side.. feels as though i cant move my head and my neck is so strained.
shocking sensations in my face and head.
tightness in the head.
difficulty swallowing.
the clicking noises are familiar, im not sure as they are the same as yours but i tend to do them myself-really strange to explain, i thought it was another bad habit to add on the list but its inbetween the ears and eyes, almost the temple? i dont know if it is the same but thought id put that forward to you.
i feel dizzy and sick at work as im scared of doing things wrong, i get myself flustered.
i also get pins and needles and back ache..
any of these help? xx
