View Full Version : Smoke free but not fat free !!!

14-03-10, 23:53
This is my 18th day without a ciggy !! For most of the part I've felt ok the cravings are'nt too bad, I'm still using the patches and I have been out drinking with freinds who do smoke and I resisted however I'm eating lke a pig and starting to pile on the pounds, I'm not eating rubbish just normal food I think the weight gain could be my downfall if any im keeping really busy and sleeping well at the moment and I have not had a P/A since i've stopped smoking my chest feels great no more wheezing, coughing or snoring i'm feeling pretty confident but starting to worry about the weight gain.

15-03-10, 01:51
Congratulations on being smoke free :) I know first hand that's it's rough! I quit cold turkey over last summer and I gained 11 pounds - which I could use in the first place. I felt great, too. Most people do gain weight when they stop smoking, everyone I know that quit - did, at least. It's normal and with working out, it's pretty easy to come off! I think when we quit we eat because we're so used to having SOMETHING in our hands and mouths. Plus cigs are known to kill an appetite.
Gooood for you though! Don't worry about the weight gain, you'll lose it eventually. I unfortunately did ): I was bummed about that surprisingly. Haha.

15-03-10, 04:23
Congratulations, Kathryn! Before you know it, you won't even need your patches anymore.

It's normal to gain a few pounds when you quit smoking. Remember, nicotine is a stimulant and stimulants makes your body to burn fat. Now that your are reducing the amount of nicotine in your body, it's a natural consequence for fat to accumulate. Don't worry, you'll lose it eventually. I was 85 kg when I quit smoking 4 months ago. I gained more or less a kilo during the first few weeks. (I was eating a lot because everything that I eat tastes so good.) With exercise (30 minute brisk walk everyday), I'm down to 79 kg, and still losing weight. My target weight is 75 kg.

Keep it up, Kathryn!

15-03-10, 06:15
Hi Kathryn

Congratulations and keep going .... apparently it is normal to put on up to half a stone after smoking but that it is usually in first 6 months...so keep on that track.

How about sipping water, remember food makes you wanna smoke so then you dont wanna smoke so you eat...break the cycle and sip water instead.

Think you are doing fantastically well and remember deal with one thing at a time get off the ciggies thats the most important thing x

15-03-10, 12:12
I have gained a lot since packing up, but I will deal with that next.

Walking and exercise are the best way to keep the weight down. You will gain so much from not smoking, more money for starters. Maybe the money could go to work outs in the gym once you feel ready?

15-03-10, 15:54
Hi there - may I suggest that you read Allen Carr's easyway to stop smoking? I know you have stopped but this will help you with the reasons why you are eating more and hopefully will put an end to it! In the book he deals a lot with society and how you are brainwashed into thinking certain things about giving up smoking including that it makes you put on weight etc. when really you do these things mainly because you are told it will happen!

15-03-10, 16:55
Well done!!!

Do your best to stay off them. I work in a hospital and know first hand how bad they are for you.

Try doing some light exercise if you are physically able. It will make you feel better and help you beat the cravings.



16-03-10, 09:26
hi kathryn
i'm on day 12 and know exactly what you mean, regardless of what this alan carr says. i've got the tyres pumped up now on my bike and have decided that if i must eat more (which i must!!) then it's exercise time to compensate! i've done a couple of walks but still put on 5 pounds since giving up. chocolate seems to be the cigarette substitute for me! starting the cycling today...why don't you do the same and we could help each other if you like for the first couple of months. i too feel better and know i won't smoke again but, like you, don't want to end up 5 stone fatter! pm me if you want a 'give up' buddy!